WaPo Quietly Admits Masks Didn’t Work As Covid Tyrants Draw the Wrath They Deserve
Don Via Jr. – The narrative has crumbled, the rhetoric has failed, the ruling class overplayed their hand and exposed their predatory nature.
Don Via Jr. – The narrative has crumbled, the rhetoric has failed, the ruling class overplayed their hand and exposed their predatory nature.
Riley Waggaman – Americans live in the best of all possible masked worlds, and they have Anthony Fauci and the CDC to thank for it.
Jon Rappoport – This is not an article about whether face masks work, however, much has been written about the harm the masks cause.
Matt Agorist – The mainstream media has been in lockstep with politicians who continuously move the goal posts.
Elias Marat – Disposable face masks can take more than 450 years to break down.
Dr. Mercola – 1.4% tested positive for antibodies at the end of the month-long study compared to 1.8% of controls .
Tyler Durden – Researchers in Denmark have just published a revolutionary new study.
Dr. Mercola – The science does not support universal mask wearing recommendations
Dr. Mercola – Many may be willing to take just about anything as long as they don’t have to wear a mask anymore.
Matt Agorist – Hemp, one of the most useful plants on the planet, has thousands of applications, including making plastic that is biodegradable and non-toxic.
Tyler Durden – The huge scam is being pushed on us from all sides, and it is beyond time to wake up to what is going on.
Elias Marat – A new, sad side effect of the pandemic is millions of pieces of discarded personal protective equipment (PPE) that is littering the planet in shocking ways.
John Vibes – People say masks are just a way for the government to control you, when in actuality it’s making their control more difficult.
Vic Bishop – Let’s be honest with ourselves for a bit. Why are we really wearing face masks?
John Vibes – The idea of wearing masks to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus is still very controversial in the United States.
Dr. Mercola – Some public health groups say wearing face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic are crucial and others say masks have limited benefit.
John Vibes – Masks have now become either mandatory or strongly recommended across much of the world, in hopes of stopping the spread of the coronavirus.
John Vibes – Jack Ma, the founder of Alibaba and the richest man in Asia, announced that he will be sending 500,000 testing kits and 1 million masks to the United States.
Ryan Matters – The Puppet Master’s playbook isn’t a secret. It’s right there, freely available to anyone who cares to understand how the powers that be seek to influence them on a daily basis.
Dylan Charles – There are severe restrictions on your ability to fully realize your human-ness.