
7 Ways To Jumpstart A Dead Life

Gary ‘Z’ McGee – It’s time to shock the system. Here are seven inexhaustible ways to jumpstart a dead life.

Zen In The Trenches

Gary ‘Z’ McGee – Zen is ultimately undefinable. It’s paradoxical. It’s a bridge between the unanswerable question and the unknowable answer.

The Harmony Of Nonconformity

Jason Gregory – When individuals are forced by society and culture into life situations that are against their will, they give away their natural sovereignty.

The 7 Chakras – Portals to Cosmic Awakening

Anthony O’Flynn – The chakras are our energetic blueprint. The knowledge of the chakras is a critical component to genuinely understand the nonphysical energy body.

A Cure For Wellbeing

Iam Saums – Our willingness to heal is most vital during these times to see who we have all become amid these great adversities and challenges.

The Indivisibility of Life

Julian Rose – The art of living involves the assertion of freedom, creativity and empathy with and for fellow humans and all living beings.

The Ancient Future Of Ayahuasca

Jonathon Miller Weisberger -At the core of ancient ways we learn that to take from nature is a privilege, not an entitlement.

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