TAG: matrix

The Matrix of Conformity – Top 9 Traps for Today’s Youth

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times More than ever our world needs a new generation of youthful and caring people capable of comprehending the problems we face, while maintaining the clarity of mind and compassion needed to seek and find creative solutions to this morass. For this, our youth need to be healthy, energetic, and free

Step Aside and Reverse the Flow

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times There’s a very strange vibe that’s hit the past few days. Maybe I’m just overly sensitive to these things and it can often be personal situations, but I’m hearing it being echoed from several quarters. We’ve been discussing this at home as we’ve been hit strongly with experiencing this same

Understanding and Dismantling the Global Control System

Max Igan, Guest Waking Times Looking at the global situation from the perspective of fear is counterproductive. We need to look at it from a perspective of concern, and see the opportunity that lies in having the knowledge of the global situation. There are opportunities in all these problems. Many people, when they discover the

Transcending the Negative

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times The world has gone insane, clearly. People simply react to whatever is put before them. But this is only apparent if you’re watching. The degree of insanity we’re witnessing has broken all previous boundaries yet it continues to be portrayed as “normal”. The interesting phenomenon to watch is when personal

Not Without Our Consent

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times Nothing happens without our permission. In one way or another, consciously and/or subconsciously, we give our approval or disapproval by our actions, words and intentions. Over time our accountability increases. A mad world swirls around us in this manifestation with our inherent agreement. Without our complicit cooperation in support of

Now You’re in Charge

Julian Rose, Contributor Waking Times Like others fortunate enough to have time to read, reflect and absorb the information put out on sites like this, you have no doubt acquired a pretty reasonable grasp of what’s going on in the World. Yet this knowledge comes with a certain proviso – it gives you a greater

No Country for Old Souls

Soren Dreier, Guest Waking Times  Recently the digits changed. When digits change we maybe stray back and look at: Where are we now? Digits change so rapidly, don’t they? Two digits ago it said 2012. The year of the shift, doom or somehow a mythical year, the myth being manufactured by the Mayans. Then one

‘Siren Servers’ as the Matrix

V. Susan Ferguson, Contributor Waking Times Jaron Lanier in his book “Who Owns the Future” coined the term ‘Siren Servers’ to describe “an elite computer, or coordinated collection of computers, on a network. It is characterized by narcissism, hyperamplified risk aversion, and extreme information asymmetry. It is the winner of an all-or-nothing contest, and it inflicts

Let’s Help Light the Matrix

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times There are times, in my books and articles, when I talk about an external control system that many of us are aware of, and others are awakening to. I ask readers to examine how we are socially and culturally conditioned, and programmed by messages that manipulate our emotions and base

Thinking Outside the Hourglass

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times This imposed artificial time constraint is a very subtle one, especially when you realize everything depends on perspective. We’re clearly experiencing a manipulated, illusory cycle of time with parameters that make us feel contained, limited. And that’s the intent. Closing in on your prey is an ingrained predatory behavior. If

11 Ways to Access the Field of the Heart

Melissa Joy Jonsson, Contributor Waking Times The field of the heart provides us with direct access to our inner voice, our inner wisdom, and our inner chamber of limitless potential. The field of the heart creates a coherent connection with universal consciousness. There are no limitations when accessing the field of the heart, and similarly,

Beware the Candyman – Don’t Get Willy Wonked

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times This has mostly to do with the conscious community but can be applied at any level. Wherever there is spiritual juice you’ll find the givers, the takers, and the very clever manipulators. It’s just a fact of life. Some people just can’t help themselves, they see an “opportunity” wherever they look,

Sun Worship and Other Shortcuts to Nowhere

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times “Enlightenment is a destructive process. It has nothing to do with becoming better or being happier. Enlightenment is the crumbling away of untruth. It’s seeing through the facade of pretense.  It’s the complete eradication of everything we imagined to be true.” – Adyashanti It’s hard yet not hard to imagine how humanity

7 Ways to Overcome the Insanity of Modern Life

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times  Without question, these modern times are becoming more and more challenging to ordinary people as concerning news and events overwhelm us. An honest assessment of the human condition reveals perils of every type. The economy sucks thanks to the greedy criminals who have death-grip on our monetary system. People seem

Dissolving the Make-Believe Matrix

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times These power crazed would be rulers don’t own the earth. They don’t own you and me. They don’t own all their stupid secret symbols. They don’t own the present, they don’t own the future. They don’t even own themselves. They’re usurpers, in every sense of the word. And absolutely nothing

Karma Yoga

Soren Dreier, Guest Waking Times I haven’t been writing that much lately. I decided to go stealth for a bit. So I contemplated a while under the Bougainvillea. Sometimes the best way to plug-in into the vastness of the universe is to go introvert, which pretty much could support the reality I subscribe to: It’s all

The Brave Girl and The Soldier Boy

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times What was I listening to when I was sixteen? Cultural programming, or a message for my higher self? I’m thinking about one of my favorite songs of the time: “Soldier Boy” by the Shirelles. The song seems so simple, but to me it’s embedded with something very precious and beautiful…

The Matrix & the Sanskrit Texts

V. Susan Ferguson, Contributor Waking Times  The Matrix as Prakriti produces the hologram for the Oneness. The external world of objects is ‘real’ enough to the five senses. The five senses transmit signals/waveforms of sound, light, etc. to the brain, which acts as a receiver. These signals carry the appearance of duality, differentiated multiplicity. This

Evolving Planetary Consciousness to Escape Self-Destruction

Paul Lenda, Guest Waking Times Right now at this very moment it can appear that humans are going down a path which is leading to a self-destructive end if a radical shift in living on this planet isn’t made. Where will this all lead if the trend continues down such a path? It is not

Stealth Oneness – The Rise of a New Spiritual Paradigm

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times “You are divine… you’re love.” Naaa, I’m not… just trying to be nice and do the right thing. “Yes, you are divine, you’re love, we all are, and we are one.” Oh no, if we were, things would be different… we need to know the love of God. “You are

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