TAG: truth

20 Transformational Truths From Sages Throughout the Ages

Paul Lenda, Guest Waking Times Throughout the ages, there have been many who have had gotten a taste of incredibly mesmerizing higher states of consciousness. Rather than keep their experiential knowledge and wisdom about the higher and deeper elements of existence to themselves they spread the word to others, be it through spoken word, written

All Truths Are True, Get Over It

Michael Forrester, Prevent Disease Waking Times It is often a painstaking process to attend to this subject without having to counter the millions of strong egos who simply refuse to accept such a simple concept. It is the struggle of the ages to move from a position of duality to one of acceptance that all truths

Why We Get Mad When Others Challenge What We Believe In

Joe Martino, Guest Waking Times Thousands of years ago the earth was the center of the universe. Hundreds of years ago the earth was flat. Today, we know both of these things to be false given what we have discovered about our world and the solar system. However, when people first started bringing the idea

Staying Power Will Get Us There

Soren Dreier, Guest Waking Times Some people have that quality of Staying Power. I consider it to be a warrior’s valor. We need it more than ever, now that thunderous clouds are once again gathering in a 360-degree approach. Nearing in on the stargazers in search of a somehow brighter light. When the glue vaporizes

The Universal Pulse Of Truth

Soren Dreier, Guest Waking Times There is a sacred pulse that you have. It often follows the pulse of your biological heartbeat. It makes sense, since the Pulse comes from the biological pulse of the heartbeat is in sync with the Celestial Pulse. It can tear down outside walls and if it does, it manifests

Meditation and “Drugs”

Jay Michaelson, Reality Sandwich Waking Times It’s a not-so-dirty little secret that most of today’s leading meditation teachers were interested in drugs. By “drugs,” of course, I don’t mean alcohol or Oxycontin, but rather that subset of chemicals which our society has deemed unfit for human consumption, including cannabis, psilocybin, MDMA, and others. Many of today’s

Find Your Truth – The Taoist Teaching of ‘Te’

David James Lees, Guest Waking Times The ancient Chinese Taoist concept of ‘Te’ (pronounced ‘day’) is one of the lesser known but nevertheless vital teachings of Taoist philosophy passed to me by my Masters in the sacred Wudang Mountains of China. You may have encountered the word ‘Te’ when reading the classic Taoist texts the

Trust and Connect

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times We do get a bit bruised by life. How could we not? We’re here at a profound time; a time when people are in need of an actual ray of hope. While we can’t offer a solution to another’s life, we can offer our calmness, our encouragement, and whatever information

Making Money and Living the Lie

Barbara H. Peterson, Guest Writer Waking Times  Compromise. That’s what it’s all about, eh? We are taught from early on that the only way to get along is to go along. Meet halfway, in the middle. Don’t be such a stickler. Nothing is so sacred or important that it cannot stand a little compromise. And just

Minesweeper – How Activism Works

Zen Gardner Waking Times “Being the change we want to see in the world” is first and foremost. Our lifestyles, disengagement from the matrix and raising of consciousness being paramount. But with that comes activity. We cannot be consciously aware of what’s truly going around us without being prompted and moved to tell others what’s

The Maturation of the Soul

Eric Allen Bell, Guest Writer Waking Times The nature of consciousness is that it evolves.  Everything is comprised of consciousness.  Non-local consciousness is the ground of all being.  You are an expression of the infinite consciousness that knows no boundaries.  That which looks out through your eyes, that which seems like individual consciousness, evolves.  It

Science & Spirituality

Frank Huguenard, Staff Writer Waking Times  In modern times, attempts are often made to use the modern scientific method to infer or prove the existence of a spiritual dimension. Electrodes are attached to mediator’s head, psychics and remote viewers are tested for accuracy and consistency, and the results of intentions and prayers are statistically measured

Brandishing Truth In The Face Of Lies

Zen Gardner Waking Times A lot of people are at wit’s end in the face of this onslaught of anti-Truth and such an obvious, crushing despotic takeover. I sympathize with this feeling, it often gnaws at me as well. Not only the deep indignation against the ugly reality we’re up against, but how to chart

Reality Shifts: What Happens to Those Who Slip Between the Cracks of Time and Space?

P.M.H. Atwater, L.H.D., New Dawn Waking Times Perception determines “truth.” We invent our own reality through our own perceptions and others’, and by accepting what appears to be real as real. History is filled with stories of people who, in “slipping between the cracks” of their own consciousness (thus altering how they perceived the world

Truth or Denial in the Age of Information Overload

Zen Gardner Waking Times A lot of people are getting more frustrated than ever with either trying to wake people up, or just witnessing the apparent absolute ignorance of people not being able to notice what’s really going on around them. There are many reasons for this, and it’s an age old problem. In today’s

The Path of No Path

Peter Russell, Spirit of Now Waking Times Spiritual teachers with non-dual leanings often say that there is no path to enlightenment. There is nowhere to get to; you are already enlightened, you just do not know it. There is no need for a technique or practice; they will only keep your mind trapped in the

Don’t Let The Truth Spoil a Good Story

Mike Molyneaux, Contributing Writer Waking Times  Many of us yearn and pray for a world without violence, sickness, pain, poverty, slavery, dysfunctional families, defective or broken bodies and death, without floods and droughts, without earthquakes and tsunamis. Some visionaries and seers of old declared that all the troubles and woes of this life would eventually come

Fractals and the Nature of Truth

Steven Paglierani, Guest Writer Waking Times  So what is a “fractal”? And what do fractals tell us about the nature of truth? Begin by knowing that a fractal is one of the two kinds of geometry present in our world. And yes, no matter what people say, in our world, there are only two major

Honesty is the Best Policy – Research Finds Being Honest Leads to Better Health

Kelsey Coy Waking Times Honesty is the best policy. and now, it seems, the healthiest as well. Scientists at the American Psychological Association’s 120th Annual Convention discussed a study of 110 people, half of whom were instructed to completely stop lying for 10 weeks. The other half, who received no instructions in regards to truthfulness, served as

“The World As I See It” by Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein, 1931 Waking Times  Einstein at his home in Princeton, New Jersey “How strange is the lot of us mortals! Each of us is here for a brief sojourn; for what purpose he knows not, though he sometimes thinks he senses it. But without deeper reflection one knows from daily life that one exists

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