TAG: love

Uncovering the Universe Within

Ida Lawrence – A growing number of people are turning their attention to the inside. Are you one of them?

To See The Cage Is To Leave It

Aimee Gordon – Humanity has unwittingly volunteered itself into its relinquishment of authentic freedom, through the subjugation of our species to the unauthentic experiences of the era of ‘instant-gratification’.

How Did Humans Get So Out of Balance?

Ida Lawrence – Lots of people say it, and it can’t be denied… this would be a wonderful, balanced natural world if humans weren’t a part of it.

The Thought of Love’s Victory

Ida Lawrence – We are born with a task, and that is to uncover ourselves. Why were we separated from divinity within and caused to forget in the first place?

Changing Your Culture

Steve Pavlina – If you were to design your own human culture, what would you include? What would you leave out?

Is Matriotism The Future of The Divine Feminine?

Ethan ‘Indigo’ Smith & Lucy Morales – What we communicate, and how, has the power to change the world. Just as importantly, language, its interpretation and its transformation over time reveals a lot about the collective consciousness of the society that speaks it.

The 3 Lies That Block The Flow of Love

David James Lees – Love is your natural state of being. Love is the energy that is all around you. It is the vibration and essence of every part of the Cosmos and every living thing.

Love From the Great Beyond

Ida Lawrence – So why do we say that our loved ones aren’t really gone? It is because we know we are more than physical: we know because we are the observer of ourselves.

In a Capacity for Love

Ida Lawrence – Spiritual lessons have been around a long time and we’re just now beginning to understand what they mean on a far greater scale…

The Awakening Springs Unstoppable

Zen Gardner – It’s time to manifest our true selves, true heart, true spirit and true claim to our heritage. Do it – and enjoy it! It’s a wonderful time to be alive!

Awake and Loving Is No Contradiction

Soren Dreier – The collective love vibe is picking up tremendous speed and the frequency is high. That’s really something. That’s really revolutionary…

Seeing Through the Veil of Your Limitations

Michael Forrester – Humanity is very much like the elephants that are tied to a rope from birth. As the elephant ages, it could easily break free from that rope at any time, but it doesn’t.

Racism vs. Love, Compassion and Knowledge

Daniel Dowling – What we see as problems are actually brilliant and compassionate ways for us to recognize the imbalances that lead to hate and racism…

Are You Suffering From These Ascension Symptoms?

Deidre Madsen, Contributor Waking Times Are You Suffering From R.A.M (Rapid Ascension Movement)? Are you feeling sad, confused, experiencing unexplained body aches and pains, disorientation, loss of time, loss of memory, sudden career or relationship changes, more alienated than ever from the world, excessively lethargic, lost, heightened sensitivities to foods, medicines, or supplements, surges of

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