TAG: diet

What Healthy Eating Can Do for You

Infographic- This list of all the vitamins and minerals, and the foods that contain them, shows what healthy eating can do for you.

10 Reasons to Eat More Cabbage

Meme – There’s more to cabbage than meets the eye. Here are ten reasons why you should eat more cabbage.

pH Chart of Alkaline and Acidic Foods

Infographic – This pH chart gives a comprehensive listing of alkaline, pH neutral and acidic foods. And you won’t believe where cola fits in!

Benefits of Berries

Infographic – Berries may be small, but the benefits they offer the human body are far from diminutive. These fruits are power-packed with lots of vitamins and minerals enough to keep you going, glowing and growing.

Your Body on Diet Soda

Infographic – Sweet, fizzy diet soda may seem like a dieter’s dream – but the lack of calories does not outweight many very unpleasant and unhealthy side effects.

The Anti-Inflammatory Diet is a Key to Good Health

Mae Chan, Prevent Disease Waking Times It doesn’t have a catchy name or a trendy following to drop a size, but when it comes to your health, it’s one of the most effective diets in the world. Proponents of the diet say it can reduce heart disease risk, keep existing cardiac problems in check, reduce

The 4 Biggest Mistakes In Dietary Advice That Even Doctors Now Admit Must Be Corrected

Natasha Longo, Prevent Disease Waking Times There is no more doubting long-standing myths that mainstream nutrition adopted as truths due to poorly designed and corrupt scientific studies. On behalf of public health regulators — doctors, nutritionists and many other health experts have relied on this misinformation to guide millions with false dietary advice which we

7 Benefits of Going Grain-Free

Leah Zerbe, EcoWatch Waking Times Since the Wheat Belly revolution, people all over the world have reported amazing results: being able to reverse type 2 diabetes, shedding layers of dangerous visceral body fat that encases the organs and revving up to super-charged energy levels. But we started to wonder … how does ditching wheat—and all grains for

Vegetarianism – Is It Right For You?

Raluca Schachter, Guest Waking Times Vegetarianism. What’s the real health impact? Fact is, vegetarianism is a serious matter. While many embrace it for reasons from poor digestion to animal love, many health practitioners – including myself – observe an increase of negative health effects caused by the diets of many vegetarian people. What is really happening?

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