Monthly Archives

Cloning Technology and the De-extinction of Large Mammals

Video – Scientists are studying DNA extracted from the remains of long-dead creatures such as mammoths and giant bears, to learn how environment drives evolution and how certain species affect climate and ecosystem stability.

Why is Fracking Dangerous?

Infographic – Fracking carries known and unknown risks of harm for public health and the environment upon which public health depends. Here are some of the known dangers.

6 Ways Drumming Heals Body, Mind and Soul

Sayer Ji – This experience is so hard-wired into our biological, social and spiritual DNA that even preschool children as young as 2.5 years appear to be born with the ability to synchronize body movements to external acoustic beats

What is the Real Matrix?

Khris Krepcik – The Outer Matrix is very real — but that Outer Matrix is only the outcropping of an Inner Matrix…

5 Tips to Help You Get Started With Aquaponics

Brian Berletic – While it seems simple in concept, when people finally try their hand at it, they may confront several common problems. This guide hopes to shed some light on a few of them.

The Power of Solitude

Frank M. Wanderer – Why do people so desperately run away from loneliness, from being alone?

Three Solutions to the Death Problem

Video – Discussion of Ernest Becker’s three main solutions to the death problem: the religious solution, the romantic solution, and the acceptance that death is inevitable.

20 Health Benefits of Thyme Oil

John Summerly – Thyme is an incredibly potent yet simple herb affecting multiple systems in the body, and thyme oil is capable of treating dozens of diseases.

The Thought of Love’s Victory

Ida Lawrence – We are born with a task, and that is to uncover ourselves. Why were we separated from divinity within and caused to forget in the first place?

Requiem for an Equinox

Soren Dreier & Chautauqua – We humans are a pretty resilient bunch. We can absorb a tremendous amount of setback or grief without giving in to the negativity.

Study: Global Medical Expansion Has “Made Us Sick”

Heather Callaghan, Contributor Waking Times The burgeoning “health” care industry has made people see themselves as sickly… Researchers from Ohio State University had a hunch that the expansion of the medical industry has made people overall view themselves as unwell – in need of help. First psychologically, then physically. For all the medical advancements, people

Magic and The Power of Words

Pao L. Chang – Words are not just elements of speech or writing, because they can be used to affect how energy travels through space.

You Too Can Live with No Electricity Bills

Video – The idea of the Zero Energy House is a simple and appealing one: building well-sealed, well-insulated houses, that supply their own electricity and heating. Just watch and see.

Why Everything Tastes Good, but Nothing Satisfies

Frank Giokas – Nothing external seems exciting as it once used to. Even things that do inspire are more fleeting than ever before and seem to lose their luster in so short a span.

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