TAG: medicine

Cannabis: A Powerful Therapy To Reduce Chronic Medications and Prevent Disease

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times  Cannabidiol, the non-psychoactive part of cannabis plant has been proven medically to relieve many diseases including the inhibition of cancer cell growth. Recent studies have even shown it to be an effective atypical anti-psychotic in treating schizophrenia, a disease many other studies have inconsistently found it causing. There is little doubt

Avoid the Flu With Traditional Chinese Medicine

Hugh Castor, Guest Writer Waking Times With the influenza season in full swing, it is a good idea to take preventive measures to decrease your chances of getting sick. There are a number of natural, safe, and simple measures from Traditional Chinese Medicine and Naturopathy that one can use to minimize exposure and to increase

When You Have the Right Vibe, It’s Not a Coincidence: Synchronicities, Energy Healing, and Other Strangeness in the Field

Amy L. Lansky, PhD, Reality Sandwich Waking Times The following is excerpted from Active Consciousness: Awakening the Power Within [1], recently released from R.L.Ranch Press. One piece of evidence for the holographic nature of nonstandard fields that have been proposed in recent years — the zero-point field (a candidate for the unified field [2]), the

Epidemiologist Confirms Serious Outbreak of Chicken Pox, 97 Percent Who Were Vaccinated

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times A county in the western part of Indiana is the site of the nation’s largest current chickenpox outbreak, according to news reports. An epidemiologist has confirmed that out of the cases analyzed, 97 percent of the children were vaccinated. Vigo County has now seen over 84 cases of the varicella-zoster virus

Placebos, Nocebos, and Mind Over Matter

Tracy Kolenchuk, Guest Writer Waking Times Our medical system is less comfortable and less effective as studies and results move from the body to the mind, from the mind to the spirit, and from the spirit to the community.  Each of the top layers of the hierarchy of healthiness is studied with fear rather than with respect by

Foundations of a New Medicine We Can Not Afford to Ignore

Capt. Randall, Green Med Info Waking Times  Life at its core is a phenomenon that requires energy in the form of electrons to operate and to keep its structures intact. Living cells are internal combustion engines that must have the right fuel and lots of oxygen to produce energy. Visualize life’s molecules snatching/donating electrons, electrons

European Officials: Antibiotic Resistance a Global Crisis

Lisa Garber, Natural Society Waking Times On Sunday, the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) cited the widespread misuse of antibiotics for the global rise of antibiotic resistance. The concern is greater than the sum of ailing patients, the ECDC emphasized, since antibiotic resistance forces hospitals to care for people longer with progressively

Can Yoga Be Used as Medicine? Part II

Ginger Garner, Guest Writer Waking Times This is the second part to Can Yoga Be Used as Medicine? that discusses how you can talk with your doctor or therapist about yoga as medicine. Year after year, I hear the same story when new patients come to me: “I got hurt doing yoga at a studio or at

Can Yoga Be Used As Medicine?

Ginger Garner, Guest Writer Waking Times  Can Yoga Be Used as Medicine? The short answer is yes. The reality is yoga is not usually used as medicine. Using yoga as medicine can be tedious and laborious (trust me), requiring constant review of the scientific literature in order to make it safe and effective.  More often

Hemp – A Cash Crop For Medicine, Food, And Shelter

Becca Wolford, Contributing Writer Waking Times The 1938 Edition of Popular Mechanics called hemp The New Billion Dollar Crop. Unfortunately, the Billion Dollar Crop was not meant to be. Randolph Hearst’s newspapers depended on wood (he owned several sawmills) and his investments in timber would be threatened. DuPont’s chemicals were also a factor, in that they

Yoga – Modern Health Tonic

Yoga is based on a simple theory about the Inner Self. That Self is detached and independent of the self of the individual, his consciousness and its modifications. The egoistic self is the result of its attachment to the body and the individual existence. The self, however, is self-luminous and is attained by intuitive knowledge of the inner working of the human consciousness.

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