TAG: medicine

The Surprising Healing Qualities… of Dirt

Daphne Miller, Yes! Waking Times Recently I’ve been enjoying dirty thoughts. I spend my days in a sterile 8×10 room practicing family medicine and yet my mind is in the soil. This is because I’m discovering just how much this rich, dark substance influences the day-to-day health of my patients. I’m even beginning to wonder

A Healer’s Perspective on Psychedelics and the Body to Mind Connection

Trevor Getsla, MAPS Waking Times Within us all there are numerous levels of perceptual experiences we can encounter. All of us already possess within ourselves a powerful field of perception that is simultaneously physiological as well as conscious in nature. We shall look at the body to mind relationship through the lens of touch therapies,

American Childbirth: Human Rights Failure?

Ginger Garner, Guest Waking Times United Nations data shows that between 1990 and 2008, the United States maternal mortality rate nearly doubled, while the overwhelming majority of countries collectively decreased their rates by 34% (Coeytauz et al 2011). We have a right to criticize the shameful state of American maternal care when more money is

Ayahuasca, Alternative Medicine and the Amazon Rainforest

Jonathon Miller-Weisberger, Guest Waking Times The awakening offered by ayahuasca, an alternative medicine practiced by the native tribes of the Amazon rainforest, requires deep reflection, and carries the risk of misinterpretation. Excerpted and reprinted with permission from Rainforest Medicine (North Atlantic Books, 2013) by Jonathon Miller Weisberger, which chronicles the practices, legends, and wisdom of the quickly

Death by Swallowing: Opioid Addiction in the United States isn’t a ‘Drug’ Problem

Richard Console, Contributor Waking Times Throwing Pills at the Problem “I just don’t want to be in pain.” Stephanie grew up with childhood rheumatoid arthritis. This isn’t your dad’s sore knuckles from years of heavy work, but an autoimmune disorder that attacks the joints most commonly. It can lead to physical deformities and bone loss

Ending Your Depression and Anxiety with St. John’s Wort

Mike Gerard, Contributor Waking  Times With the high levels of stress that comes from daily living, many people begin to develop moderate to severe emotional problems. Some people will seek out professional help, but many more will let these conditions go untreated. Although there are many prescription drugs on the market, these drugs carry a

Let Fruit Be Your Medicine: Watermelon’s Remarkable Health Benefits

Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo WakingTimes Watermelon is so much more than just a highly refreshing summertime treat. From the perspective of a growing body of clinical research, it is a truly medicinal food. Only this month, research published in the Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry found watermelon juice is an effective remedy for reducing the recovery heart

The Dangers of Low Quality Supplements And Why You Need To Know Your Source

Erin Schumacher, Guest Waking Times The natural health supplement industry is now worth billions and the primary reason it has flourished is due the quantity of people who have become discouraged with conventional health care. The caveat is that the industry has duped millions of consumers into purchasing ineffective nutriceuticals. It has attracted greed and

Flickr - Carlos Daniel Gomero

Minds Beyond Brains: New Experimental Evidence

Rupert Sheldrake, New Dawn Waking Times Where are our minds located? We have been brought up to believe that they are inside our heads, that mental activity is nothing but brain activity. Instead, I suggest that our minds extend far beyond our brains; they stretch out through fields that link us to our environment and

How to Stop the Rise of Superbugs

Waldemar Ingdahl, American Waking Times The rise of ‘superbugs’ is causing tens of thousands of deaths a year in the United States alone. A problem as complex as antibiotic resistance will require several solutions. Increasing antibiotic resistance is of great concern — the health of millions is dependent on our ability to defeat the threat

Extremely Low Doses of Marijuana’s Psychoactive Components Prevent Brain Damage From Other Toxic Drugs

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times In another blow and contradiction to mainstream scientific claims which consistently report that Cannabis causes brain damage, a recent study shows the opposite. Research published in the journals Behavioural Brain Research and Experimental Brain Research demonstrated that even extremely low doses of THC (Marijuana’s psychoactive component) — around 1,000

Buckwheat – 9 Great Reasons to Know it, Plant it, Grow it and Eat it!

Becky Mundt, Green Med Info Waking Times Buckwheat is one of those plants that may be unfamiliar to most Americans. It is a staple crop in parts of China, Russia and Eastern Europe, but is less well known to U.S. food consumers. Buckwheat is not a cereal grain, although it’s name might lead you to

The Myth of Alternative Medicines

Tracy Kolenchuk, Guest Writer Waking Times The world seems to be divided on medicines… There are the medicines your doctor recommends, and ‘alternative’ medicines.  Doctors typically recommend ‘patent’ medicines (although they might not use that name). Some doctors promote ‘natural medicines’, others prefer ‘Chinese medicines’, others like ‘traditional’ medicines. It seems there are many different types

The Dangers of Fluoride-Based Antibiotics, Plus Natural Solutions

Paul Fassa, Natural Society Waking Times My wife has recently recovered (slowly) from an unusual infection of her right lung, for which she had to be hospitalized with enforced IV antibiotics and even more after her release. We looked into antibiotic dangers and after effects because she was experiencing mild neuropathy symptoms, insomnia and unusual

Can You Spell Your Disease?

Tracy Kolenchuk, Guest Waking Times Can you spell the name of your disease?  Do you know the name of your diagnosis, and the specific variation, if it is one with many variations? When many people go to the doctor, they get a verbal diagnosis “it seems you’ve got mumble mumble”, and a verbal treatment recommendation

Debunking Cholesterol Myths

Raluca Schachter, Guest Writer Waking Times When a big, fat lie built around such a sensitive and health threatening issue becomes way too widespread, that even the authors start to believe it, it is really hard to turn the tide without major consequences. We live in a time where we have GMO producers who won’t

What Really Happens When You Take Antibiotics?

Raluca Schachter, Guest Writer Waking Times Antibiotics: One of the most prescribed drug in the modern world! The evidence that proves how harmful this practice can be has been available for a while now. Taking routine course of antibiotics and moreover pouring them into our food has been leading to serious and dangerous side effects,

What Hospitals Won’t Tell You and How Transparency Can Revolutionize Healthcare

Dr. Mercola Waking Times Medical errors are one of the leading causes of death in the United States, and what’s even more shocking is that the harm often is preventable. Hospitals often make egregious errors ranging from minor mistakes to treating the wrong patient, leaving behind surgical tools in a person after surgery, or operating

Will Hypnosis Lead the Revolution in Healthcare?

Troy Robins C.Ht, Guest Writer Waking Times  Today hypnotists are treating cancer and other chronic illnesses with unprecedented degrees of success. Hypnosis is on track to become the mainstream treatment for chronic illness and many other illnesses that have an origin in the mind. The trouble hypnosis has historically had is that you can’t see

A Flawed Process Is At The Heart of Science and Journal Publications

Editor, Prevent Disease Waking Times Peer review is at the heart of the processes of not just medical journals but of all of science. It is the method by which grants are allocated, papers published, academics promoted, and Nobel prizes won. It has allowed government agencies to approve untold numbers of drugs and vaccines, or

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