TAG: fear

Feeding the Fear

Jane Chitty – It may not be a completely new concept — instilling fear into people — but it has certainly become much worse.

Cancer & The Healing Power of Sound

Waking Times – A fascinating interview with author Dr. Mitchell Gaynor about the use of sound as medicine for cancer and many other illnesses.

Seeing Through the Veil of Your Limitations

Michael Forrester – Humanity is very much like the elephants that are tied to a rope from birth. As the elephant ages, it could easily break free from that rope at any time, but it doesn’t.

The Fear of Fear: How To Beat It

Julian Rose – “Be wary of those who claim that fear is ‘an illusion’. It is not. We cannot ‘escape’ fear by pretending it doesn’t exist.”

Thinking Outside the Hourglass

Zen Gardner – Continue to dissolve this world of lies via passionate dissemination of enlightened information, and community building…

How Does Fear Work?

Video: How does fear actually work? What happens when we become afraid?

5 Reasons to Expect Police Brutality to Get Worse Before it Gets Better

Isaac Davis, Contributor Waking Times Few things are more disturbing than looking at the news each day to find yet another shocking case of American police officers using excessive brutality and belligerence against the public. There is no justification for this, and as the list of egregious rights violations by the police grows, more Americans may

Why Intelligent People Fear the Truth

Julian Wash, Contributor Waking Times Today I would like to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that bargains with uncertainty and finds comfort in denial. Every so often we must deal with an unpleasant truth we wish would just go away. Sometimes the truth can be very shocking and we find

7 Ways to Trigger the Heart Field – The Most Powerful Healing Force There Is

Michael Forrester, Prevent Disease Waking Times Every cause of disease first begins with an imbalance in the body’s energy systems, specifically, the interaction between how the heart communicates with the brain and the body. Fix that and there is no disease, ever. The heart can produce an electrical field 100 times greater than the brain

Fear of The Unknown Is Creating Hysteria In Every Part of Our Lives

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times Being afraid of the unknown is not a new concept. From birth to death we’ve been trained to fear everything for a very long time. The dangers of modern life have a stranglehold on people’s imaginations. Sociologists call the phenomenon a risk society, describing cultures increasingly preoccupied with threats

Transcending the Parasitic Fear Agenda

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times Everyone experiences fear. It’s a jarring emotion that gets amplified by the reptilian fight or flight side of our human make up. The problem comes when the prompt is deliberately manufactured and therefore non-authentic, which is why the manipulators use it so frequently and to such an extent. Fear interferes with conscious awareness, clear

Reality and Experience: Morphic Fields and The Power Of Choice

Melissa Joy Jonsson, Contributor Waking Times “If the doors of perception were cleansed every thing would appear to man as it is, Infinite.” —William Blake, The Marriage of Heaven and Hell Reality is virtually a symbolic representation of patterns of information. Notice the patterns and come explore the connections with the interlocking grids of consciousness

Are You Afraid of Death?

Caroline Nettle, Guest Waking Times With all the uncertainties that we are faced with in these turbulent times, there are very few things upon which we can rely. We are seeing the banking industry, politicians, social institutions and the old hierarchy undergoing profound changes, which is causing us to rethink our old ways. However, as

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