TAG: anxiety

The Wake-Up Call

Peter Russel, Spirit of Now Waking Times The ancient Chinese symbol for crisis, wei-chi, combines two elements: danger and opportunity. The danger is that if one continues to pursue approaches that are no longer working, then disaster is imminent. The opportunity is to let go of the old patterns and find new ways of being

Managing Fear and Anxiety of the Unknown

Stanley Popovich, Contributing Writer Waking Times All most everybody worries about what will happen in the future. The prospect of not knowing if something good or bad will happen to you in the near future can produce a lot of fear and anxiety. As a result, here is a list of techniques and suggestions on

The Tao and The Nature of Confusion

Daikan Basho, Contributing Writer Waking Times  We live in a complex world and simplicity is often difficult to come by. This is especially so in the world of intangible ideas about things such as the future. What the world should look like tomorrow. In seeking to manifest tomorrow, we participate in politics, religion, civics, activism, evangelism

Best Natural Herbs for Anxiety and Depression

Drew Waking Times If you are interested in finding some natural herbs for anxiety attacks and depression, there are many that you can try out. Not all herbs are going to have the same effect in all people, so just because one has worked for a friend or family member does not mean that it

Yoga a Ray Of Hope For Cancer Patients

Colette Barry, Contributing Writer Waking Times With the woes of cancer cases taking its toll, people are diverting their attention towards a holistic approach of healing. The worst part of cancer is the not the deadly disease itself, but the distress and debilitating fatigue rooting from the treatments. The never ending visits to the hospital,

Yoga for Depression and Anxiety – Help without Drugs

Michael Auryn Waking Times  Nearly one in five Americans suffers from an anxiety disorder, according to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH). Stress and stress-related diseases have skyrocketed since the industrial revolution, with stress being a daily reality for most Americans. Those with anxiety disorders are at higher risk for coronary heart disease, heart

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