Search Results for the matrix

What is Matrix?

Jon Rappoport – The overwhelming majority of human beings are trapped in a form of hypnosis.

The Devious Matrix Called Psychiatry

Jon Rappoport – Psychiatry purports to describe actual states of mind, and it coalesces and freezes those descriptions in such a way that people believe these states of mind exist. They don’t.

What is the Real Matrix?

Khris Krepcik – The Outer Matrix is very real — but that Outer Matrix is only the outcropping of an Inner Matrix…

Ebola – Another Round For The Propaganda Matrix

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times Every few years, just like clock work, the Center For Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and The World Health Organization (WHO) conspire on a new global threat to scare the living daylights out of people. Both these organizations will spread lies of unfathomable magnitude in an attempt to disrupt

Offgrid Living vs. the Control Matrix

Andy Dilks, Staff Writer Waking Times Ever since the advent of the Neolithic Revolution some 10,000 years B.C., elements of mankind have increasingly strove to carve up, control and dominate the land, creating an increasingly stratified social hierarchy in which those at the top use force and coercion to dictate to the masses and ensure

Avalon and The ‘Oneness’ Matrix

Soren Dreier, Guest Waking Times In the introduction to this series on Avalon, I mentioned this as an idea for considering: “We hardly ever encounter the same metaphysical reality package. Perceptions alter and transcend between shared reality and personal reality. Personal reality not to be understood as: Ego, but merging out of the conception differences in

Dissolving the Make-Believe Matrix

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times These power crazed would be rulers don’t own the earth. They don’t own you and me. They don’t own all their stupid secret symbols. They don’t own the present, they don’t own the future. They don’t even own themselves. They’re usurpers, in every sense of the word. And absolutely nothing

Matrix Mindscrews and Other Embedded Idiocy

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times We’ve got to learn to spot the mechanisms buried in our language and the tricks of the media, education and propaganda, mainstream or otherwise. Engrained recitations and parroted phrases are a prime example. Don’t assume anything you hear or learn is true, or begin to mindlessly swallow anything you’re told

decoded neurofeedback

Decoded Neurofeedback: Matrix-like Learning With No Conscious Effort

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer Waking Times New research suggests it may be possible to learn high-performance tasks with little or no conscious effort. Conjuring up images of the hit film The Matrix, recent research indicates that it may be possible to program your brain to perform certain feats like playing instruments, sports and intellectual challenges. “Experiments conducted at Boston University (BU)

How to Free Your Mind from the Conventional Matrix

Pao L. Chang, Guest Writer Waking Times The human mind is one of nature’s greatest achievements because of its infinite potential. Its potential is so astonishing that if you learn how to unlock its full potential, anything is possible. Below is an excerpt from my book Staradigm about what the mind is. The human mind is one of the most advanced

Cosmic Detox and the Crumbling Matrix

Having any weird experiences lately? Good and bad? It appears these vibrational changes and the accompanying wake up are having some freaky consequences. Is the matrix breaking up and releasing its captive energies?

It’s nothing to fear.

No, thanks!
