Search Results for nikola tesla

The Cosmological News Channel

Jon Rappoport – Cosmology is a content provider. People want content. Cosmology is like the nightly news.

The Question of Consciousness

Brendan D. Murphy – Some scientists had taken the absurd position that consciousness is an illusion. But the question remains.

The Human Energy Field and DNA: How You Choose Your Genes

Brandon West – The field of intention, conscious awareness, energy, the universal mind, whatever you choose to call the infinite energy density of the vacuum, the fact remains that the energy of space all around us, is infinite.

Chemtrails Exposed

Peter A. Kirby – After so many years of watching airplanes produce the lines in the sky, largely without knowing of what this Project consists or why, we have recently gained an understanding.

Science Vs. Music

Video – An excellent demonstration of how frequencies and energy affect physical matter…

The Spiritual Secrets of Sound

Jennifer Sodini – The importance of sound, frequency, and vibration has been understood by many mystery schools…

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