Search Results for belsebuub

We Have it Within Ourselves to Raise our Conscious Level and That of Humanity

Belsebuub, Guest  Waking Times Observing the inner and outer worldWe should take the time to know how we respond inwardly to life, because by changing ourselves and allowing consciousness to shine, we change not only our own lives but those of others around us, and, if enough people raise their conscious level, we can bring

Inner Peace and the Awareness of the Present Moment

Belsebuub, Guest Waking Times Simply by perceiving the moment we can feel the beauty that emanates from consciousness, as inner peace is a quality of consciousness. If we perceive the whole we can be aware not only of the world we are in at that moment, but also our thoughts, feelings and emotions, and by

Why Enlightenment Takes Time

Belsebuub, Guest Waking Times Enlightenment means different things to different people; most of us have different versions of what it is and how it occurs. In some descriptions it happens in an instant, perhaps as a realization of something, or as a result of doing a certain practice, or by a divine intervention. What the term

We’re Here in This Reality to Learn About Who We Are

Angela Pritchard, Guest Waking Times What is life for? So many things seem important; there are so many things to do. All of them are vying for our attention, and our interests drive our lives via the many seemingly small and insignificant choices we make each day. But what is it that is ultimately important?

Looking Beyond the Issues to the Causes

Belsebuub, Guest Waking Times There are some difficult problems facing us that threaten not only our fundamental rights as human beings but also our very survival. We can and must tackle a seemingly endless stream of issues in a struggle for truth, freedom, security and justice. But unless we can get to the underlying causes

An Introduction to Spiritual Change

Belsebuub, Guest Waking Times If you want spiritual change, you need to see and understand yourself. While the conscious spiritual ‘you’ may wish to awaken, there are also subconscious parts of the psyche that are contrary to spirituality and work against your awakening. Their roots are unknown to most, yet they exert an unseen grip

How Enlightenment is the Process of Creation in the Universe in Reverse

Belsebuub, Guest Waking Times The process of creation of matter and spiritual life at the beginning of the universe is one of the greatest of mysteries and understanding its basic principles is important for understanding how enlightenment works, as enlightenment is the re-absorption back into the one, the divine source of creation. An ancient Taoist

Esoteric Knowledge Throughout Time

Belsebuub, Guest Writer Waking Times Go far enough back in time and you’ll reach to a point where entire societies were based around the universal knowledge of the journey of consciousness in its awakening – in Central and South America, Easter Island, Egypt, Cambodia, India and in many other places now submerged under the ocean. The

Astral Projection Technique: Concentration on the Heart

Belsebuub, Guest Writer Waking Times One of the most effective exercises of astral projection is concentration on the heart. This exercise has been used for this purpose for probably thousands of years, and it’s the one I’ve used most. Virtually anything that focuses the mind upon one thing can be used to project with, but concentrating

Ancient Sacred Sites Aligned to the Summer Solstice

Belsebuub & Angel Pritchard, Guest Writers Waking Times Some of the most famous ancient megalithic sites in the world align to the summer solstice – in numerous different cultures: Egyptian, Pagan, Mayan, Essene, Buddhist, Native American, and Easter Islander. Below are some examples. There are others, but there may be many more that have not

Astral Projection Technique – Lucid Dreaming

Belsebuub, Guest Writer Waking Times Here’s a simple technique through which to become conscious in the astral plane by waking up in a dream, which is commonly known as lucid dreaming. With it, you can carry out exactly the same investigations in the astral world as you would do when you project from your bed.

Removing Some of the Obstacles to Love

Belsebuub, Guest Writer Waking Times  Love is of consciousness, which is the spiritual within. Yet consciousness is not free, as it’s smothered by the subconscious and is asleep, and so too as a consequence is love. Negativity in particular destroys feelings of love, engulfing and consuming the mind. It also ruins the ability to be

The Understanding of Spirituality

Belsebuub, Guest Writer Waking Times Lots of people search for something spiritual in one way or another, but the term “spiritual” is broad and encompasses a wide range of activities, and can sometimes be elusive. Spirituality often remains as an interest or a belief, but to reach further means practicing spiritual exercises seriously. If you

Don’t Just Think About Spiritual Realities – Experience Them

Belsebuub, Guest Writer Waking Times Are you interested in the sacredness of the cosmos, extraterrestrial life, sacred geometry, different dimensions, astral projection, NDE’s, consciousness awakening, truth, and amazing ancient teachings and mysteries? So are we, but what do you want to do about it. Do you just want to keep reading, and, in that way,

Commercialized Spirituality – It’s a Business, Not The Real Thing

Belsebuub, Guest Writer Waking Times Spirituality is big business, it’s a multi-million dollar industry. A lot of what passes for spirituality today is actually a commercial venture of one kind or another. It should be seen for what it is – business, and not serious, genuine spiritual knowledge. Commerce and spirituality have different values. Spirituality

How to Remember Your Dreams

Belsebuub, Guest Writer Waking Times Here are some simple things you can try for remembering your dreams better. 1. Plan Ahead The first thing to think about is that just before you go to sleep have the intention to remember your dreams in the morning when you wake up. Because as soon as you wake

Near Death Experiences – Where Science Can’t Go, Mystics Can

Belsebuub, Guest Writer Waking Times The largest study in the world on NDEs to date is currently underway. It is a three year study, with one year to go. It’s taking place in the UK and US, and is studying cardiac arrest patients to see if those who are clinically dead can have out-of-body experiences.

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