America, It’s Time for Another 1776

Phillip Schneider, Staff Writer
Waking Times

Op-Ed: I haven’t been writing much lately because I’ve been consumed watching election fraud take place in real time, and I’m not entirely sure what can be said which has not been said before about what is currently happening.

In my home state of Washington, new restrictions have been placed on businesses by our dictatorial governor, Jay Inslee. The fact that this is being done less than two weeks after the electoral showdown with Loren Culp, a fantastic police chief from Republic County, is not surprising.

I have driven through the entire state North, South, East, and West, and witnessed an onslaught of ‘Culp for Governor’ signs in people’s lawns, on their cars, and worn as sweatshirts, hats, and masks. I only started to see Jay Inslee signs the month before election day and they were few and far between.

Sadly, Washington is much like the rest of the country. Despite most of the state, geographically speaking, supported Loren, the votes in one single county decided the fate of the entire election, which overall went about 60/40 in favor of Inslee. If we had an electoral college for the state, perhaps this would not have happened.

Now, residents in all parts of our state have to deal with new lock down measures imposed by the ruling elite in King County, home of Seattle. Of course, every dictatorial restriction on our business and personal lives is being blamed on those who do not believe in government-imposed mask wearing.

Beginning next week, the government will ban all indoor gatherings (violating our constitutional right to peaceably assemble), outdoor gatherings with more than 5 people, indoor dining will be eliminated, and according to ABC News, ‘Gyms, movie theaters, bowling alleys, and museums are closed, and weddings and funeral receptions are prohibited.’

Church attendance is also being cut back to 25% or 200 people, whichever is less (tell me when you decipher how that makes any sense), and choir performances are forbidden. Don’t go breathing in my direction, sailor!

Now, the President-Elect-By-Fraud (as it seems at the moment) is planning to lock down the entire country and mandate masks as soon as he (potentially) takes office.

If you feel safer staying at home, wearing a mask, or watching MSNBC or CNN, then more power to you! I would never demand that you live your life in any way other than exactly how you want, and I expect you to treat me just the same, risks and all.

Overall, Americans learned two things this year. One, that the government owns our bodies as well as our businesses, and two, that our elections will never be free nor fair again if President Trump does not acquire a full vote audit in all six swing states.

But America, this life is not a wine-and-dine event for the privileged. It is time to stop running away from our problems and say no to Globalism once and for all before it takes over far beyond any capacity to react.

It is time to quit hiding and say NO.

To socialism, to globalism, and to neo-liberalism. To censorship, to ‘fact-checking’, to draconianism, authoritarianism, and totalitarianism.

It is time to kiss the nanny state goodbye and refuse to follow tyrannical orders from those complicit with fraud and who see our constitution as a roadblock rather than a beautiful chain wrapped around the ankle of tyranny.

It’s time to quit making excuses and demand that our rights be respected by the so-called ‘public servants’ we put in office.

It is time to turn off Fox News, CNN, and start thinking for ourselves.

It is time to stop being quiet.

It is time to stand together to keep our businesses open at full capacity.

It is time we begin caring about our communities again instead of always wanting to control them.

It is time to start using our own social platforms and independent channels of communication.

It is time to start going to church again.

It is time to learn to shoot again.

It is time to become financially stable and independent again.

It is time to start following our passions again.

It is time to grow our own food again.

It is time for men to be men again.

It is time to be Americans again.

To Make America Great Again.

No politician can successfully cure or disease the cultural lesions Americans have acquired ourselves with every passing day of silence.

Every generation has its moment of reckoning, where they must decide whether they are on the side of evil via complacency or action, or the side of freedom, where liberty is good.

America, it is time for 1776, Part 2.

Read more articles by Phillip Schneider.

About the Author

Phillip Schneider is a staff writer and assistant editor for Waking Times. For more of his work, you can visit his WebsiteFacebook Page, or follow him on the free speech social network Minds.

This article (America, It’s Time for Another 1776) as originally created and published by Waking Times and is published here under a Creative Commons license with attribution to Phillip Schneider and It may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.

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