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The Earth is a Sentient Living Organism

Liz Bentley, Prevent Disease Waking Times Contrary to the common belief that the Earth is simply a dense planet whose only function is a resource for its inhabitants, our planet is in fact a breathing, living organism. When we think of the Earth holistically, as one living entity of its own, instead of the sum

Agenda 21: The Plan for a Global Fascist Dictatorship

Julian Websdale, Contributor Waking Times One of the most popular films of 2012 was The Hunger Games which portrayed a post-apocalyptic nation called Panem in which a super-rich, super-pampered, super-callous ‘elite’ lived in high-tech luxury while the rest of the population daily battled to survive in abject poverty locked away behind prison fences in intensively-populated ‘people zones’.

The Natural News Food Lab – Corporate Food Checkmated

Jeffrey Jaxen, Contributor Waking Times Shortly after Mike Adams (The Health Ranger) appeared on the scene with his website Natural News, it quickly became a leader in virtual alternative health news for a growing number of people who were hungry for knowledge about their food, health and wellbeing. Those who no longer trusted big corporations

“No Turning Back:” Mexico’s Looming Fracking and Offshore Oil and Gas Bonanza

Ben Jervey & Steve Horn, DeSmogBlog Waking Times After generations of state control, Mexico’s vast oil and gas reserves will soon open for business to the international market. In December 2013, Mexico’s Congress voted to break up the longstanding monopoly held by the state-owned oil giant Petroleos Mexicanos — commonly called Pemex — and to open the nation’s

More Evidence Emerges That Insecticides Are Responsible For Collapse of Honey Bee Colonies

April McCarthy, Prevent Disease Waking Times Two widely used neonicotinoids–a class of insecticide–appear to significantly harm honey bee colonies over the winter, particularly during colder winters, according to a new study from Harvard School of Public Health (HSPH). The study replicated a 2012 finding from the same research group that found a link between low

The Psychopathology of Police Violence

Andy Dilks, Staff Writer Waking Times In a recent article for Waking Times, Julian Wash suggested that the psychopaths running the show might as well be inhuman, discussing the apparent consensus opinion that violence and war is something inherent to the human condition – it is a consensus pushed primarily by those who profit from

Distant Echoes Closing In

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times I like to listen when I first come awake in the morning… to try and get a read on where I’ve been and what I’ve been doing during sleep. So this morning I listened, and the message was “No regrets, no worries.” Aha! That’s a good place to stand at

Birds Are Losing Their Way Due to Electromagnetic Pollution

Heather Callaghan, Guest Waking Times The migratory pattern of birds – even if it is a dry subject and the aim of comedic cracks – for some odd reason, has always held the high fascination of biologists.Never more so than now… That’s because the classic experiments were so predictable. Such as a cage with some

Splenda Found To Have Possible Neurotoxic Properties

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times It seems like every six months a new study is published on the bitter truth about Splenda’s lack of safety, which is still marketed to the world as a safe alternative to relatively calorie-rich sweeteners like sugar and honey. Now a new study published in the open access journal PLoS titled,

5 Diseases Proven To Respond Better To Cannabis Than Prescription Drugs

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times The reason cannabis is so effective medicinally is directly related to its ability to interact with receptors in the body which inhibit inflammation and prevent disease. Cannabis does this so well, that few drugs can compete with its level of potency which come essentially with no side effects. These

Black Whole Dynamics: The Foundation of our Fractal-Holographic Universe

Brandon West, Contributor Waking Times If I had to explain Nassim Haramein’s work and try to describe his Holofractographic Universe Theory (HFU) to a person who had never heard of it before, or who was questioning it’s validity, I would begin with the scaling law for organized matter. This scaling law to me is as close

Aliens, Egos & Souls: Who Are We in the Big Picture?

Mado, Guest Waking Times Aliens Abduct Egos, Not Souls Contactees boast of their special relationship with STO (Service-to-Others) aliens. Abductees claim that they are forcefully taken, then physically and psychologically abused by STS (Service-to-Self) aliens. Milabs  (military abduct-tees) receive similar treatments from black project personnel. Specialists tell us that millions of humans are presently involved

Pineal Gland – Portal of Higher Dimensions

Dr. Terry Willard, Guest Waking Times One of the most won­drous parts of our phys­i­cal body is the Pineal Gland.  It is also called the epi­ph­ysis cere­bri, epi­ph­ysis, conar­ium or the “Third Eye.” It is a small endocrine gland in the ver­te­brate brain. It pro­duces sero­tonin and mela­tonin, hor­mones that affect mood and mod­u­late our wake/sleep pat­terns and sea­sonal func­tions. Its shape resem­bles a tiny

Which Of The 7 Stages of Spiritual Awakening Did You Experience?

Kim Hutchinson, In5D Guest Waking Times Awakening to your full potential Spiritual seekers who are on the path to re-enlightenment tend to fall into one of the following seven categories. A person can go through these levels in almost any order. That’s because we all awaken in our own way, at our own pace. For

Debunking the 5 Biggest Myths About Cannabis

Owen Poindexter, AlterNet Waking Times The more research is released, the more legalization makes sense. Back in the 1930s, the arguments to criminalize cannabis were bizarre and openly racist. The anti-pot crusader Harry Anslinger made all sorts of over-the-top claims, such as, “Marihuana is a short cut to the insane asylum. Smoke marihuana cigarettes for a

Child Prodigies and the Assault on Creativity

Andy Dilks, Staff Writer Waking Times When you think of a child prodigy, you usually think of an exceptional young talent which has been recognised in a person’s early life and nurtured by those around them, who encourage their latent abilities to blossom and grow. Mozart, of course, springs immediately to mind – a rare

Psychopaths in Charge – Maybe They’re Not Human

Julian Wash, Contributor Waking Times Dear Humans, Today I would like to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that condones violence under certain circumstances. To this end, we find ourselves going along with the most egregious of things, not least of which is war. Here we find not only a consensus

I Am Not My Body, My Mind or My Emotions

Linda George, Contributor Waking Times Every so often, the Universe, Great Spirit, the Divine… reminds us that we are spiritual beings having a human experience. “I am not my body, I am not my mind, I am not my thoughts – nor am I the emotions generated by my thoughts…” I think we all need

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