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Free Will vs. Cultural Programming: The Matrix Loses

Daikan Basho, Contributing Writer Waking Times Human beings are curious creatures in that they have a most unusual capacity for free will, yet, are so easily manipulated, controlled, and subjugated by other people. Quite a paradox. The deciding factor between which of these two inherent states one occupies, mental freedom or mental slavery, often has to

Plant/Human Symbiosis and the Fall of Humanity

Trevor Smith, Guest Writer Waking Times There are many mysterious anomalies about human evolution yet to be adequately explained. These include the human brains rapid expansion in size and complexity, why this accelerating expansion suddenly stalled roughly 200,000 years ago and our brains have been shrinking ever since, and why our rare glimpses of genius goes

Faster Drilling, Diminishing Returns in Shale Fracking Plays Nationwide?

Sharon Kelly, DeSmogBlog Waking Times Today’s shale gas boom has brought a surge of drilling across the US, driving natural gas prices to historic lows over the past couple of years. But, according to David Hughes, geoscientist and fellow at the Post Carbon Institute, in the future, we can expect at least the same frenzied rate of drilling

GE Trees May Be Even More Damaging to the Environment than GE Foods

Dr. Mercola Waking Times Genetic engineering (GE) of our food supply amounts to a massive science experiment being performed on mankind, without consent or full disclosure. Although the biotech industry continues to claim GE products are safe, the truth is that no one knows what the long-term effects will be, because no one has done

You Knew It Was Coming… First Vaccine Announced For Autism

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times A first-ever vaccine created by University of Guelph researchers to control autistic symptoms is here. The medical propaganda matrix has once again come full circle with their patented problem-reaction-solution. Although there is no study which directly links vaccines as the cause of autism, there have been hundreds of others

Is the Afterlife What We Think It Is? A Challenge from Near-Death Studies

P.M.H. Atwater, L.H.D., New Dawn Waking Times There are millions of stories now of near-death experiences from around the world; each a snippet, a teaser, of what appears to exist on the other side of death. No other human drama carries quite the power this phenomenon does to unmask traditions of a “grim reaper,” and

First “Ag-Gag” Prosecution: Filming a Slaughterhouse From the Street

Will Potter, Green Is The New Red Waking Times Amy Meyer wanted to see the slaughterhouse for herself. She had heard that anyone passing by could view the animals, so she drove to Dale Smith Meatpacking Company in Draper City, Utah, and from the side of the road she could see through the barbed-wire fence.

Fun Money Replaces Funny Money

Christina Sarich, Contributor Waking Times The bitcoin bittersweet disappointment that allowed hackers to devalue the latest Internet currency to nearly half its value in a day, after supporting the fallen Cyprus economy for months, raises the question… Is it a lottery? As the economic activity of ordinary people continues to get sucked into the black hole of

Chocolate Gives Statins A $29 Billion Run For Their Money

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times With the blockbuster cholesterol-lowering class of drugs known as statins being widely promoted for the primary prevention of cardiovascular disease, despite their having over 300 documented adverse health effects (including heart failure!), how does chocolate sound as a viable, heart-friendly alternative? We already connect amorously with chocolate (to the tune

Kale: A Green Nutritional Powerhouse Everyone Should Eat

Elizabeth Renter, Natural Society Waking Times A delectable green nutritional powerhouse, kale is one of many superfoods that is a must-have in any kitchen. Like other superfoods like blueberries and green tea, kale provides a wealth of nutritional benefits from cancer prevention to anti-inflammation. But what else can kale do for you? Some of Kale’s

Can The Awakening Be Hijacked?

Zen Gardner Waking Times Once we understand that everything is an illusion we’re home free. Knowing we’re eternal consciousness having this in-body experience is the greatest gift anyone can possibly wake up to. It’s wonderful, it’s free and it’s forever… and it’s for everyone! People just need to wake up to it. That would seem

The Forgotten Language

Osho Waking Times The divine language originated in the heartFeeling is the language, the forgotten language. If you understand feeling, you understand the whole. lt is said of Lukman, one of the wisest men ever born — he is the founder of Yunani medicine — that he would go to plants, to bushes and trees,

10 Natural Tips for Healthy Hair

Rural Spin Waking Times Long, flowing, thick locks used to be much more common than we see today. Some practices that promoted long hair, like washing hair once a week, are not things we’re likely to return to anytime soon. But we can look to the past and bring forth the best of natural hair

Why You Should Keep Your Orange and Banana Peels

Karen Foster, Prevent Disease Waking Times The peels of fruits hold some of the most incredible nutrients in the world. There are dozens of uses, both medicinal and practical, for orange and banana peels that are unknown to most. Next time you think about throwing away one of these peels, you may want to have

Unlocking the Intuitive Intelligence of the Human Heart

Waking Times When discussing big ideas like global peace and a global shift into a higher state of consciousness, most people are either skeptical of these possibilities, or uncertain of how this could possibly come to pass in a world as riddled with challenges as ours. In these scientifically driven times, some people are discovering

Deception on the Spiritual Path

Chris Bourne, Contributor Waking Times It’s so easy to create illusionary realities on the path. Subtle essences of ego know how the soul is likely to act in particular circumstances. We’ve ‘seen’ what ‘Enlightenment’ looks like and a part of the soul might want to copy that. It’s kind of like an echo of the

The Corporate Machine Is Not Neurally Equipped To Have Concern For Others

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times The Corporation, a 2003 Canadian documentary film examined the behaviour of big business towards society and the world at large as a psychiatrist might evaluate an ordinary person. The power structure in government is equally susceptible to this behavior, mostly as a result of how specific public functions are

Lethality of Roundup ‘Weedkiller’ Extends Beyond Plants To Humans, Study Suggests

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times A shocking new study finds that glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup herbicide, “…may be the most biologically disruptive chemical in our environment,” capable of contributing to a wide range of fatal human diseases. A new report published in the journal Entropy links the active ingredient in Roundup herbicide known

Cancer Doctor Explains How Cooking with Turmeric Leads to Amazing Health Benefits

Elizabeth Renter, Natural Society Waking Times It’s one thing to read all the studies, to keep informed through breaking news and research about natural health, but it’s another to hear it from the people who put it into practice. When you can combine the practical applications of natural health with the scientific background, the evidence can be

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