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Alter Your DNA With Heart-Centered Positive Emotion and Intention

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer Waking Times Have you ever noticed that if you find yourself in a checkout line and you’re anxious and in a hurry the line takes forever, but, if you’re relaxed and not concerned how long it takes, the line moves quickly? Over the last several decades, scientists have been researching this phenomenon

The Banquet of Souls

Rick Emmerson, Contributing Writer Waking Times Now is a time for reckoning. There is no place left to hide. Stand and be recognized. We are not earthworms, born to burrow in the soil and be walked upon. We are spirit and we will rise. It is written in our souls like it is written in

Galactic Alignment 2012?

Chris Bourne, Openhand Contributor Waking Times  So we’re rapidly approaching the much heralded and prophecised Galactic Alignment, where the earth aligns with the sun through the galactic equator and according to some interpretations of the Mayan’s “Popol Vu”, it will also coordinate with the completion of what’s known as the “Precession of the Equinoxes”, which

25 Studies Prove Fluoride Reduces Your IQ

Dr. Mercola Waking Times Dr. Paul Connett is recognized worldwide as a leader in the movement to eliminate fluoride from the municipal water supplies, and I’m pleased to be working with him to achieve this goal. Earlier this year, he used frequent flyer miles to visit New Zealand and in a month-long tour gave presentations

Is Your Diet Making You Moody?

Margie King, Green Med Info Waking Times How many people do you know who are on a low-fat, high carbohydrate diet? How many people do you know who are on antidepressants? Is there a link? Julia Ross, a clinical psychologist and author of The Mood Cure, sees a connection between the skyrocketing rates of depression and

Everything Vibrates

J. Speer-Williams, Veterans Today Waking Times Good, Better, Best Vibrations Someone once wrote … “The truth has a certain elegance and restraint to it. Sometimes it can be a little rough because truth doesn’t spend in any time in makeup as lies do. Lies require cosmetics and strategic lighting. Truth posses its own beauty without

Spirulina: Converting Sunshine to Superfood

Margie King, Green Med Info Waking Times Pond scum is under-appreciated.  Just looking at the green slime on your local pond may even make you gag.  But you might want to get over that. The algae growing on the surface of still water everywhere could be the key to a healthy vibrant life. Spirulina is a

Common Chemical Linked to Asthma, Allergies and Neurological Problems

Susan Patterson, Natural Society Waking Times  Studies have examined the effects of phthalates — an industrial chemical commonly found in plastics worldwide — on the human body. With an emphasis on reproductive health and the health of young children, the studies offer  shocking conclusions. There were consistent indications that phthalates may increase the risk of developing

What Is Reality? How It Relates to Your Well-Being

Pao L. Chang, Guest Writer Waking Times Reality is something that we experience everyday, yet most of us have little clue of what it really is. Understanding reality is important for your well-being because it affects your growth and personal development, and the reality that you choose to live in is the catalyst that helps

Marijuana Legalization is Not Enough! Envisioning a Post-Prohibition World

Martin A. Lee, Reality Sandwich Waking Times  Pot-smokers of the world unite! You have nothing to lose but your pipe dreams. Marijuana legalization is a beginning, not an end. When residents of Colorado and Washington voted to legalize the adult use of cannabis, it felt like a momentary rush of sobriety in a country dazed

The Shift Is Up To Us

Editor, Prevent Disease Waking Times  To address the media hype around Dec 21, 2012, it will be important for us to hold a positive energy and convey an optimistic message. We really don’t need to repeat the fear that Y2K created. To that end, we would like to emphasize that there is a shift occurring,

New Frontiers in Free Energy: The Gravity Light

Buck Rogers, Staff Writer Waking Times The need for free, non-extractive energy sources is paramount to the health of our planet and its inhabitants. It seems that the fossil fuel industries have for decades succeeded in suppressing the most promising alternatives to dirty fuel, and there appears to be no end in sight to big

The Casual War on the Human Body

Arno Burnier, DC, Guest Writer Waking Times As a society we have been at war for the last 70 years or more. It is a hidden and insidious conflict, with yearly mass civilians casualties, injuries and permanent disabilities. Professionals are perpetuating involuntary mass murder yearly in the US, and no one wants to talk about

Fluoride Detox: Ousted as Poison, Here’s How to Get it Out of Your System

Anthony Gucciardi, Natural Society Waking Times  Experts have been warning for years against the dangers of sodium fluoride, but recently more awareness has spread than ever before. Following the rampant success of essential news stories centered around fluoride, including a story I authored just three short days ago highlighting the horrendous amount of sodium fluoride in doctor

The Wave of Energy You’ve All Been Waiting For Has Begun: 12-12-12 to 12-21-12

Michael Forrester, Prevent Disease Waking Times Energy and consciousness can neither be destroyed nor created. All that is and all that you are exists for eternity. If it exists, there is no such thing as it not existing. Since there are only transfers of energy, what you perceive as death is simply a portal to

Study Links Pesticides to Bumblebee Destruction… Again

Elizabeth Renter, Natural Society Waking Times In today’s news from the desk of Captain Obvious—scientists have found that pesticides may be contributing to the decline in bumblebees. Yes, apparently we needed another study for this. That study, led by biologists with the University of London, looked at what happened to bees in areas where different

Soldiers, PTSD and the Shamanic Plant Medicine Iboga

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times  Whether you agree with American foreign policy or not, it’s difficult to imagine disagreement over the fact that soldiers returning from war should be given the best possible care to recover from physical and psychological injuries incurred in military service. Not only is it naturally human and compassionate to wish

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