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The Secret History of the War on Cancer

Dr. Ben Kim, Guest Writer Waking Times For many years, I have explained to questioning family members and friends why I cannot support conventional cancer-fighting fundraising campaigns. I am not completely against conventional medical treatment options for different types of cancer. For example, for a good number of people that I have worked with over

The Wake-Up Call

Peter Russel, Spirit of Now Waking Times The ancient Chinese symbol for crisis, wei-chi, combines two elements: danger and opportunity. The danger is that if one continues to pursue approaches that are no longer working, then disaster is imminent. The opportunity is to let go of the old patterns and find new ways of being

Are Pesticides Causing Your Food Allergies?

Emily Main, Rodale’s Waking Times New research about chemicals in your tap water and on your lawn could cause you to break out in hives. No one knows what causes food allergies—they’re one of the great mysteries that science has yet to solve. But it’s doubtful that any allergist had suspected that your lawn, or

12/12/12: The Twin Flame In Day-to-Day Life

Chris Bourne, Openhand Contributor Waking Times So the very special and significant numerological date 12/12/12 comes upon us. To me, as someone who reads synchronicity as a way of life, numerology is very important. It symbolises the interconnectivity of life: apparently random acts happening in concert. I read numbers but feel the impact in my

Epidemiologist Confirms Serious Outbreak of Chicken Pox, 97 Percent Who Were Vaccinated

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times A county in the western part of Indiana is the site of the nation’s largest current chickenpox outbreak, according to news reports. An epidemiologist has confirmed that out of the cases analyzed, 97 percent of the children were vaccinated. Vigo County has now seen over 84 cases of the varicella-zoster virus

Iceland’s Hörður Torfason – How to Beat the Banksters

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times The tiny Nordic European island country of iceland is presently experiencing one of the greatest economic comebacks of all time. After the privatization of the banking sector completed in 200o, the economy was thrown into a tailspin when over a five year period, private bankers borrowed 120 billion dollars

Is Privacy History? Top 5 Ways You Are Being Digitally Monitored and Catalogued Daily

Waking Times What if somebody told you that you were being monitored inside and outside your home 24 hours a day? Would you believe them? Most people wouldn’t. However reality is often scarier than fiction. Chances are if you’re reading this, you likely live in a nation that utilizes the following tracking methodologies that have

Over 40 Percent of Fukushima Children Have Thyroid Disorders, Officials Not Helping

Lisa Garber, Natural Society Waking Times Not much news on Fukushima crosses the ocean to our side of the globe anymore, but for thousands of Japanese children and evacuees, the suffering is hardly winding down. About 41 percent of 57,000 children have tested positive for early signs of possible thyroid cancer, and four out of

Meditation is Simple

Daikan Basho, Contributing Writer Waking Times Many thought leaders of our time inspire us to meditate regularly in order to reach great depths of inner peace and grow our understanding of the nature of our mind and humanity. More and more ordinary people are beginning to meditate these days, exploring how meditation impacts their lives. With

Symbolism, Saturn and the Energy of Fear and Control

Linda George, Contributing Writer Waking Times What is a symbol? Something that represents something else – in essence. The word symbolic is defined as : “The practice of representing things by means of symbols or of attributing symbolic meanings or significance to objects, events or relationships. ” Yes okay, but we know there is more to

The Power Within

Chris Renzo, Contributing Writer Waking Times As self-reflective beings we are gifted with tremendous creative power. Our self-reflections become known and felt on the inside through experience. And by honing in on these inner thoughts and feelings we enhance our ability to effectively live with purpose. We are always creating, but to the degree to

Unnecessary Consequence: How the War on Drugs Affects Us All

Elizabeth Renter, Natural Society Waking Times You don’t have to sell or use drugs to be affected by the futile and expensive war our government has waged on them. Even if you do consider marijuana to be a drug, you have to recognize the giant waste of time and resources that the War on Drugs

Nutritional Value of Food at Risk: Fruits and Vegetables Now Less Nutritious

Lisa Garber, Natural Society Waking Times The nutritional value of foods is at risk, with the amount of nutrients found in fruits and vegetables having diminished greatly over the years. One apple today may carry half the amount of nutrients as an apple produced 50 years ago. Although it is still very true that everybody

What you eat

You Are What You Eat

As with many problems that face the world today, the best way to begin fixing this is to stop pointing fingers and to take a look in the mirror.

2013: The Year of the Comets

Nicholas West, Guest Writer Waking Times Some ancient cultures referred to them as “the Menace of the Universe” and “the Harbinger of Doom.” Comets have almost universally been viewed by the ancients as messengers or omens carrying bad news from the gods. In the midst of our busy lives it’s difficult to keep in mind

Why Is Pesticide Used As An Ingredient In Infant Formula?

Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo Waking Times Why is cupric sulfate — a known herbicide, fungicide and pesticide — being used in infant formula? And why is it displayed proudly on product labels as a presumably nutritious ingredient? Used to kill fungus, aquatic plants and roots of plants, parasitic infections in aquarium fish and snails, as well as algae

The Dirt on Peak Fertilizer: What You Need to Know about Big Ag and Farmland

Lisa Garber, Natural Society Waking Times We take so much for granted: water, food, clean air, and the earth we walk upon—which, by the way, is changing for the worse under our very feet. Thanks to aggressive farming techniques by factory farms, our soil is becoming depleted of necessary nutrients. Very soon (and sooner than

The Coming World Government

Adrian Salbuchi, New Dawn Waking Times Lucid and aware people observing world events unfold over the past decade or so – say, since September 11, 2001 – will have surely asked themselves what on Earth is going on here? We see ever-growing violence, war, outright lies, invasions, false flags, social upheavals, poverty, ruin and the

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