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17 Krishnamurti Quotes That Will Turn Your World View Outside In

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times  A sage is someone who can put into words the aspects of our mysterious nature that most of us can only feel. At times in my life I have been overwhelmed by the world and confused about the purpose of it all. I spent much time in anguish, behaving in

The Spirituality of Pets

Aluna Michaels – Animals resonate with us in a deep way that few humans can. This is due to the fact that animals do not have an ego. They don’t have “stuff” in the way of their love and their connection with the Divine.

Chi: Unleashing the Infinite Power of the Universe

Chris Bourne, Contributing Writer Waking Times The Power of Non-efforting What if we don’t need to effort and struggle in life at all? What if just by letting go we could summon the whole power of the universe right through our beingness? And what if we could do that simply by confronting and then abandoning

The Importance of Selfless Networking

Zen Gardner If we’re in this at all we’re in it all the way. Once you’ve woken up you know the situation is both urgent and fully under control at the same time. It doesn’t reconcile in the carnal, natural mind but it makes total sense to consciousness. Paradoxes seem to abound, but it better

Everything is OK: The Absurd Revolution of The Love Police

Buck Rogers, Staff Writer Waking Times There are a million and one ways to revolt against an over-indulgent and self-destructive social and political system, but, sadly, history leaves us with the impression that a revolution requires firearms and bloodshed. Perhaps at times it has, however, in this thrilling digital age, the age of hyper-connectivity and

Fear or Love, It’s Just a Ride

Waking Times “It’s just a ride, it’s all about the choice. No effort, no work, no job, no savings of money, a choice right now, between fear and love” -Bill Hicks FTF Films, Fear and Love… This article is offered under Creative Commons license. It’s okay to republish it anywhere as long as attribution bio

Study Disproves CDC’s Primary Justification for Vaccination

Sayer Ji Waking Times  According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “Immunity to a disease is achieved through the presence of antibodies to that disease in a person’s system.”[i] This, in fact, is the main justification for using vaccines to “boost” immunity, and a primary focus of vaccine research and development. And yet, newly publish

What is Reiki?

Waking Times A Brief Overview Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by “laying on hands” and is based on the idea that an unseen “life force energy” flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one’s “life force energy” is

Drugs You Don’t Know About: Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Tainting the Water Supply

Kelsey Coy Waking Times Think you know what pharmaceuticals you ingest everyday? Think again. Several decades worth of research, most recently and notoriously an April 2008 AP Investigation, has confirmed the pervasive presence of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) in our nation’s water supply. Lesser known sources of water pollution, these drugs include antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones.

All Thoughts Are Energy, Project Love and See What Happens

Gregg Prescott, M.S., In5d Waking Times Did you ever say the exact same thing as someone else at the same exact time?  Did you ever get a bad vibe from someone for no particular reason at all?  If all thoughts are energy, then how powerful is the human mind and what are we truly capable of accomplishing?

In the Presence of Suffering

Charlie Veitch The Love Police  Suffering creates empathy and tolerance. It is mostly through suffering that we experience the fissures and limits of knowledge, of coping. Through the pain of loss or grief we see that every single human being on the planet is capable of despair, and in this mutual despair, we understand concepts

Turmeric: The Physical Essence of the Divine Mother

Radiant Living, Contributing Writer Waking Times Throughout India there is a very sacred ritual called Arati wherever the Hindu tradition is practiced. A puja tray is waved in front of one’s chosen deity or ishta devata with great love and reverence. On the puja tray can be found a lit candle, some beautiful flowers and the three sacred and

Holistic Treatment for Depression Includes Acupuncture

Elizabeth Renter Waking Times A study released last week shows promising results for pregnant women suffering from depression. According to the research, published in Obstetrics & Gynecology, acupuncture is effective in treating depression holistically in pregnant women. The information showing that holistic treatment for depression includes acupuncture comes at a time when growing research is questioning the safety of

Fraudulent Normalization of Chemtrails Continues

Zen Gardner Here’s the latest installment of an escalating disinformation campaign to “acclimate” the populace to the aerial spraying program under way for years in many parts of the world. An increasing number of articles with supposed scientists conjecturing “what if” scenarios where a whited sky by metallic particles “might” help mitigate global warming have

Are You an Empath?

Trinity Bourne, Contributing Writer Waking Times  Unfolding the Higher Paradigm Imagine being able to feel and sense everything, whether positive or negative around you, 24/7. An Empath can’t turn off empathy (unlike someone who is perhaps ‘empathising’). It is possibly one of the most challenging of psychic gifts to master. I am an Empath who

The Hemp Conspiracy: Why U.S. Hemp Farming Was Banned

Becca Wolford, Contributing Writer Waking Times For thousands of years industrial hemp was a common staple. It fed us, clothed us, housed us, sailed our ships with hemp rope and sails, it was part of our livelihood. Then, in the early 1900s, it was banned and pushed aside. Why? Why did this wonderful, useful plant

A Mother’s Journey with Ayahuasca

Lainie, Raising Miro Waking Times The history, culture & traditions of Ayahuasca The mystical Peruvian civilization of the Upper Amazon rainforest was an host to a variety of rich cultures and traditions. These people living along the Ucayali river of the amazon rainforest are specifically called Shipipo-conibo people. For centuries, a sacred medicinal drink (brew), known as

Anecdotal vs Scientific Evidence: Which is Stronger?

The Health Coach, Contributing Writer Waking Times  Once upon a time, before there were laboratories and test tubes and innocent animals to experiment on, there were anecdotes. Anecdotes were the stuff of stories. Stories reveal what is happening in the world in real time, with real people, in real living contexts. Where it concerns healing

Ending the Drug War Should Be a “Left, Right, and Center” Concern

Elizabeth Renter Waking Times It doesn’t take a genius, a criminal justice scholar or an activist to realize that something is wrong with the fact that the United States incarcerates more people than any other country in the world. This is true despite not having the highest crime rates in the world and labeling itself as a “leader” in

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