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Don Luis Eduardo Luna Discusses Ayahuasca Healing (Video)

An interesting interview with Don Luis Eduardo Luna about the origin and usage of Ayahuasca, the Amazonian Vine of the Soul. Helping to deal with addiction, psychosomatic stress, emotional problems and spiritual transformation, this natural medicine is a powerful healer.

10 Interesting Myths and Legends About The Moon

The moon is a powerful force of nature. Just step outside in the middle of the night when the sky is clear and the moon is full and look it for a moment. You won’t be able to deny that it feels magical and intense and amazing. And people over time haven’t been able to deny that either. In fact, the moon has been a central part of many myths and legends across different cultures precisely because of how powerful this part of the sky is.

How to Have Power Over Power – Part III: The Psychology of Homeostasis and #Occupying

Z, Waking Times
Calling out to all slaves: raise yourselves to the consciousness of your slavery. The world that has been set up before you, erected without your consideration, is a farce. Rise up! Kill the false power within you. Kick your inert-self off its too-comfortable couch. Dismantle the false world hanging over you, the canopy built by past generations. Rise up! Become a freedom unto yourself.

The Folly of Big Agriculture: Why Nature Always Wins

But if we could speed up time a little and become a lot more perceptive, we would see that nature’s big idea is to try out life wherever and however it can be tried, which means everywhere and anyhow. The result — over time and at this instant — is diversity, complexity, particularity, and inventiveness to an extent our minds are almost unfitted to conceive.

Five Steps To Becoming A Fully Functioning Person

If you really want to grow, if you really want to make a change and if you really want to be the best you can be at whatever it is that you want to do and become a fully- functioning person, you need to keep in mind that staying in your comfort zone, afraid of trying new things and taking new risks, won’t take you you there, ever! You will never become a highly functioning person that way.

Why Are We Here? One Occupier’s Answer

What options are available for redress? Inevitably, the answer given is politics: run a candidate, vote in elections, pass legislation and win incremental reforms that shift the system in favor of the common person. Yet we have seen scores of politicians come and go with no satisfactory change in how this system operates. Almost invariably, these candidates turn into our enemies and, in the rare instance where a potential ally takes the field, they are dismissed as unserious and silly.

Sailing the Uncharted Cosmic Sea

Real information is everything. It’s our food. Either we’re getting the adulterated stuff or we’re getting real nourishment. It makes a world of difference in how we feel and think and affects the very course of our lives and hence the rest of humanity since we each affect it so profoundly. I avoid TV at any cost. It’s toxic and completely destructive.

How Do You Transform Your Life? Tap Into Your Soul Energy

Make meditation an integral part of your life so that it becomes a habit. Meditation enforces and reinforces faith, belief and trust in us and you can tap the power of soul, as we understand and rediscover inner strength. We would be able to enforce and reinforce the materialistic, divine and spiritual aspects of our life always.

Thrive – Full Movie (Video)

THRIVE is an unconventional documentary that lifts the veil on what’s really going on in our world by following the money upstream — uncovering the global consolidation of power in nearly every aspect of our lives. Weaving together breakthroughs in science, consciousness and activism, THRIVE offers real solutions, empowering us with unprecedented and bold strategies for reclaiming our lives and our future.

How to Have Power Over Power – Part II: The Psychology of Power and Prestige

Z, Waking Times
We live in a consumerist society, and our culture reflects that. Unfortunately the reflection is ugly. It shows us an image of greed and excessive wastefulness camouflaged by an outlandish hyper-reality. If we were to peel back this hyper-reality we would reveal the throbbing hunger of our animal nature: the need to be recognized.

Activists Promise to Challenge Houston’s Ban on Feeding the Homeless

The ordinance that passed Wednesday night requires groups to obtain permission from the city before handing out any food, and imposes a fine of $500 for anyone who defies the rule. It also allows the city to designate certain organizations as “recognized” charitable food providers, which would have to adhere to certain rules mostly pertaining to cleanliness.

Post-Education: Empowering the Children of the Revolution

“Our age is retrospective. It builds the sepulchres of the fathers. It writes biographies, histories, and criticism. The foregoing generations beheld God and nature face to face; we, through their eyes. Why should not we also enjoy an original relation to the universe? Why should not we have a poetry and philosophy of insight and not of tradition, and a religion by revelation to us, and not the history of theirs?” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

How to Have Power Over Power – Part I: The Psychology of Money and Shame

Z, Waking Times
When money is the ritual of a society, or the opiate of the masses, power becomes objective and corrupts absolutely, and the subjective is forgotten. But we cannot forget that we are both objective and subjective creatures. They are self-similar within us. In order to restore the proper equilibrium, we must live moderately (despite money) and practice compassion (in spite of money).

Unlikely Allies: Friends in Revolution

George Lakey and Max Rennebohm
Waking Times

Nearly all successful movements need to attract allies in order to win. The U.S. Occupy movement in its first few months attracted widespread sympathy and support in opinion polls; but the function of allies is to translate favorable opinion into active support.

Poland Announces Complete Ban on Monsanto’s Genetically Modified Maize

Following the anti-Monsanto activism launched by nations like France and Hungary, Poland has announced that it will launch a complete ban on growing Monsanto’s genetically modified strain MON810. The announcement, made by Agriculture Minister Marek Sawicki, sets yet another international standard against Monsanto’s genetically modified creations.

The Art of Everyday Meditation

The wonderful thing about meditation is that anybody can do it. Contrary to popular belief there is no right or wrong way to practice it. It is an innate expression of the soul, and can be done anywhere, anytime, any environment, whilst engaged in anything. It can happen whilst walking in the woods, washing the laundry, swimming in the ocean, dancing, singing, chopping wood, surfing, running, sitting in a busy airport waiting for your plane…

NASA Mystified By Enormous Energy Field

All of humanity is being presented with this energetic shift to either embrace willingly or vainly try to resist. The more discoveries like these, and the growing revelations in other areas regarding our true origins, the manipulation of humanity, the shift from ideology and heiearchy, the inter-connectivity of consciousness etc., the better.

The Garden Pool (Video)

Learn how an Arizona family converted their unused swimming pool into a garden oasis that can continually feed a family of four. Combining solar energy, water conservation, poultry farming, aquaculture, hydroponic gardening, organic gardening, aquaponics, and bio-filtration, this ingenious system demonstrates just how feasible individual sustainable living could be in America today. Visit for more info.

Is Dirt the New Prozac?

Antidepressant medication can sometimes be a treatment of choice. It can work wonders, and in some instances can be life-saving. But if your doctor advises you to get dirty instead of taking a pill to perk up your mood, don’t look at her strangely. Pride yourself on having a physician who is on the cutting edge.

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