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Nitinol Free Energy Heat Machines Developed in the 1970’s (Video)

Harnessing the unusual qualities of the metal Nitinol, inventors in the ’70’s had designed the first machines that convert heat directly into mechanical power. However, as exciting as this is, 40 years after the development of this technology, we see once again another example of how free energy technologies have been suppressed by the oil and gas industry.

The Bradford Spring: George Galloway Returns to Parliament

It was not an election campaign that returned George Galloway to parliament as the new MP for Bradford West on March 29, in the process securing over 50 percent of votes cast and one of the largest majorities of any Member of Parliament currently sitting in the House of Commons, it was a political movement, one that grew exponentially in the weeks and days leading up to polling day.

Expanding Our Moral Universe

That we can go back to a completely harvesting society is a pipe dream, similar to the nineteenth century dreams of infinite progress and complete social equality. But it is equally apparent that unless our moral decision-making does not encompass at least a larger part of our natural and social environments, we cannot achieve what we cherish and aspire toward.

Stranded: The Children’s Eternal Rainforest (Video)

The Children’s Eternal Rainforest in central Costa Rica is one of the most biologically diverse areas in the Americas. Sadly, however, it is being surrounded by development and pasture so that the natural migration of animals to and from the rainforest is already severely impaired. This short video was produced to advocate for the creation of a biological corridor to protect the treasures of this area.

5 Ways Hemp Will Change Our World

Currently in the United States of America it is illegal to grow Hemp. Clear cutting forests, burning fossil fuels, spraying large amounts of pesticides; all these things and more can be avoided from the production and usage of hemp plants. To clarify, I am talking about Hemp, not Marijuana. Hemp will not get you high, Hemp does not contain enough THC to get you high, if you were to smoke it; you would probably just end up with a headache.

West Virginia Retirees Occupy – And Win!

The Century Aluminum factory in Ravenswood, W.Va., had seen struggles before. In 1990, 1,700 union workers at what was then called Ravenswood Aluminum Corporation were locked out in an effort to drastically cut wages. When the plant closed in 2009, laying off 651 workers, Century Aluminum promised workers that their health benefits would continue.

Secret Freedom Fighters Working to Unseat the New World Order

There have been recent reports in the underground alternative media that a secret group of well-placed, high-ranking freedom fighters are working tirelessly to free humanity from the clutches of the evil cabal that goes by many names: the Illuminati, the New World Order or, simply, the international banksters.

2012: The End of Time?

Options for 2012: Impending doomsday disaster? Global financial market collapse? Earth changes? Or perhaps a consciously held combination of all three? What about an impending quantum shift, the presence of higher human or divine values in the commerce and exchange of relationship? What about the possibility of a world-changing tsunami of consciousness? And if the latter is my choice, what are the steps necessary to have that call to consciousness heard and made manifest?

Green – An Orangutan’s Journey (Video)

This important documentary was filmed in the fast disappearing Indonesian rainforest and is not narrated, however, its message is clear and frightening. The home of the Orangutan and many other wildlife species in Indonesia is being decimated at an alarming rate by consumer need and greed.

Baker’s Green Acres vs. the Michigan Department of Natural Resources (Video)

A family farm in rural Michigan may be shut down by a Government Entity who has passed a law stating that the breed of hogs they are raising are a threat to neighboring croplands. In truth, the Big Pork Industry has been planning this campaign to take down all family farms with hopes to eventually siege complete control of the American Food Supply. This short-film was created with hopes to inspire the public to take action.

17 Year Old Science Student Argues for Legalization of Psilocybin

silocybin is a chemical that’s found in certain types of mushrooms and those are known as “magic mushrooms.” Those give you a hallucinogenic trip. But, what most people find is that it’s more than just hallucinations. It’s a finding of yourself and an experience where you delve deeper into your person. I think that’s what people don’t see. They just see it as a drug.

Can Russia’s Garden Plot Model Feed the World, Organically?

In 1999, 35 million small family plots produced 90% of Russia’s potatoes, 77% of vegetables, 87% of fruits, 59% of meat, 49% of milk — way to go, people! And since 1999, it seems things have only gotten better when it comes to small-scale agriculture in Russia.

Love Is The Power of God

Love is the power of God because it leads you into the heaven that is inside of you. Imagine the feeling of being in love, without being attached to someone. Or having a feeling of bliss without having to accomplish anything. Self-love is powerful; for once you learn to generate all of these feelings inside of you. You will desire nothing.

Are Earthlings an ‘Invasive Species’ Soon to be Exterminated?

An important new study in the realm of astrophysics has revealed that up to 40 percent of red dwarfs (a type of star or “sun”) may harbor a large Earth-like planet orbiting at just the right distance to support life as we know it. The study was led by Dr Xavier Bonfils of the Grenoble University in France.

How To Improve Your Posture in One Simple Step

This palms-up position may be familiar to committed meditators and yogis who practice shavasana, but it’s foreign to those of us who spend a lot of time at a computer, behind the wheel of a car, holding babies, making lattes, or doing pretty much anything else that requires constant hand use. Even when we’re not using our hands, it’s just habit to sit, walk or stand with our hands facing down or behind us.

The End of Entropy: A Look at Our Entropic World and the Evidence Supporting How We Could Change This

Entropy. That measure of disorder that increases as energy is dissipated into unusable forms effects many aspects of our present human condition. It is easy to grasp the principle as it pertains directly to heat. We see the energy of a fire heat our food, but we also can see a great deal of heat going out unused and unusable. This extra heat can be seen as increasing the disorder, as the molecules affected move more rapidly and more disordered.

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