Scientific American, the Oldest US Monthly Magazine, Issues Severe Warning on 5G
Terence Newton – The FCC is derelict in its duty to put public safety above telecomm industry interests.
Terence Newton – The FCC is derelict in its duty to put public safety above telecomm industry interests.
Terence Newton – Many scientists, doctors and professionals are issuing dire warnings about 5G.
Terence Newton – Is this being done by the military, NASA, or some other agency?
Terence Newton – More testimony about the known dangers of pervasive 5G technology.
Terence Newton – Revitalizing Tesla technology for a modern military.
Terence Newton – Millimeter waves are quite effective as a crowd control weapon.
Terence Newton – What, or who, will be the next target of killer robots?
Terence Newton – The crisis of internet censorship in the West is unfolding now and just now coming into view.
Terence Newton – Tesla’s final projects were incredibly dangerous.
Terence Newton – Atmospheric spraying of chaff is apparently no big deal to weathermen.
Terence Newton – Mainstream news is increasingly pushing the idea of geoengineering.
Terence Newton – Any time something doesn’t add up, they call you a ‘conspiracy theorist.’
Terence Newton – Is something major shifting on planet earth?
Terence Newton – They have been weaponizing hurricanes since 1947.
Terence Newton – The message here is interesting considering that so many bits of disclosure have been happening recently.
Terence Newton – It ‘closes the loop’ for advertisers, and is an admission of serious new surveillance capacities.
Terence Newton – Solar power is more viable than ever as an alternative to fossil fuels.
Terence Newton – Aliens are already operating under our noses, he says.
Terence Newton – If this was possible 60 years ago, what are they up to today?
Terence Newton – Cutting edge experiments explore the profound mind/matter connection.