13 Qualities of Spiritual Ascension

Flickr-galaxy-NASA Goddard Photo and VideoBarbara Lynn-Freed, Contributor
Waking Times

Like everything else, the meaning of Ascension is relative to who you are, your spiritual background and how you perceive reality. Traditionally, Ascension has implied liberating our soul from physical form to etheric substance and Light. Christianity gives us a perfect example of this type of Ascension through Christ’s resurrection. However since we have entered the new paradigm of the 5th World, the meaning of Ascension has shifted from being a physical transformation to an internal spiritual process that awakens us to new possibilities, perceptions and higher consciousness in our daily lives.

To embark on this inner journey we must first commit to healing our emotional and psychological issues that prevent forward movement.  By doing so, we can also begin cultivating the spiritual qualities below.

Spiritual Qualities of Ascension

1. Commitment to a Daily Spiritual Practice – Examples: creating sacred space, meditating, walking in the woods, prayer.

2. Perceiving your Body As a Temple – As our vehicle through life, our body is sacred. So it’s important to take care of our physical health by eating wholesome foods, keeping away from harmful substances and getting enough rest and sleep. 

3. Humbleness – Releasing self-importance, and living a simple life-style. 

  • 4. Service Oriented – Engaged in the good of the whole, instead of focusing on yourself.

    5. Inner strength –Knowing you have the ability to find resolution for any challenge that comes your way.

    6. Emotional Stability – Comes when you develop transparency and heal your shadow. When this happens life drama disappears and you become an objective observer.

    7. Compassion, Loving & Kindness – Because you see the good in others, you remain spiritually open to everyone.

    8. Development of Inner Peace – Comes with the release of anxiety and lower emotions.

    9. Joyfulness – Happens when our hearts are open and we have a connection to Source. We can reach out and share our joy with others.

    10. Understanding – Here we can be sensitive thoughtful and supportive to others, because we have the ability to forgive and be compassionate.

    11. Insightfulness and Perceptiveness – Allows us to see with deep clarity how life truly is.

    12. Living Life as Spirit – By unifying the two, your spirituality is carried into every waking moment and action.

    13. Presence – Resonating a state of Beingness that is calm, present, compassionate, loving, grounded, and humble and healing.

    About the Author

    Barbara-Lynn Freed is the Founder and Facilitator of the Center for Transformational Studies where she helps people heal their core issues through her twenty-year old spiritual healing practice called Awakening the Heart!, and her Transformational Astrology readings, that focus on your Karmic challenges, evolutionary goals and your life’s true purpose. She also helps shamanic students connect with the spirits of nature through her three-year, cross-cultural, shamanic apprenticeship, called Resurrecting the Old Ways: Walking the Land & Honoring the Spirits in Right Relationship. Please visit her website for more information at http://TransformationalStudies.com.

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