TAG: radiation

Fukushima Now

Chris Bourne, Openhand Contributor Waking Times  It is now two years since the Tsunami and consequent nuclear ‘accident’ at Fukushima. I remember it so well, we delayed the release of our 5GATEWAYS film as a mark of respect and solidarity for the people. So what’s the situation at Fukushima now? And what are the implications society should

Airport Scanners in 2014 – Fear and the End of Privacy

Katherine Carroll, Green Med Info Waking Times Terrorism – or the perceived threat of it – has turned democracies into paranoid armed camps in which the state feels justified in assuming that every citizen is a potential terrorist.” – John Naughton We are the last ones to board the flight to LA. It’s not the

Confirmed: The More Mammograms You Get The More Harm They Do

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times Mammograms are in the news again, and it doesn’t look good for those who continue to advocate using them to “detect cancer early” in asymptomatic populations. The science increasingly runs directly counter to the screening guidelines produced by both governmental and nongovernmental health organizations claiming to be advocates

9 Concepts Kids Should Learn About Health That They’ll Never Learn In School

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times When it comes to health, children today are guided by an illusion of reality. Teachers in the educational system have only the best of intentions, but unfortunately even they are led by a curriculum so distorted from our natural world, that it is nearly impossible for children to learn

A World In Denial: Underestimating Japan’s Nuclear Disaster

Richard Wilcox, Guest Writer Waking Times  cognitive dissonance – noun – Mental conflict that occurs when beliefs or assumptions are contradicted by new information…. when confronted with challenging new information, most people seek to preserve their current understanding of the world by rejecting, explaining away, or avoiding the new information or by convincing themselves that no

The Secret History of the War on Cancer

Dr. Ben Kim, Guest Writer Waking Times For many years, I have explained to questioning family members and friends why I cannot support conventional cancer-fighting fundraising campaigns. I am not completely against conventional medical treatment options for different types of cancer. For example, for a good number of people that I have worked with over

Over 40 Percent of Fukushima Children Have Thyroid Disorders, Officials Not Helping

Lisa Garber, Natural Society Waking Times Not much news on Fukushima crosses the ocean to our side of the globe anymore, but for thousands of Japanese children and evacuees, the suffering is hardly winding down. About 41 percent of 57,000 children have tested positive for early signs of possible thyroid cancer, and four out of

Do Electromagnetic Fields Affect the Pineal Gland, Limiting Human Consciousness?

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times  As humanity continues into the new millennium, technology and communication continue to play an increasingly important role in human life. Today, most people in developed countries are completely connected through cell phones, tablets and computers. Today’s households have an increasing array of electrical devices, from wireless modems to intelligent appliances to

The Invisible Nuclear Threat Within Non-Organic Food

Sayer Ji, GreenMedInfo Waking Times Whether you know it or or not, nuclear waste (cobalt-60) has been used for decades to make your food “safer.” There is a profound misunderstanding in the mass market today about the value of certified organic food.  The question is not whether the 50% higher or more you pay at

Can Nuking Your Food Make It Safer To Eat?

Sayer Ji Waking Times  There is a profound misunderstanding in the mass market today about the value of certified organic food.  The question is not whether the 40% or more you pay at the register for an organic product is really worth the added vitamin, mineral and phytonutrient content you receive.  Even though organic food

Smart Meter and Electromagnetic Radiation: Another Health Crisis Of Our Time

Editor, Prevent Disease Waking Times You are not legally required to have a smart meter in any region, contrary to what certain agencies may be telling you, yet they are forced upon the population by those who regulate power utility companies. Based upon a study of 10 autistic cases and 10 normal cases, the pregnant

Incredibly Effective Protection from Fukushima Nuclear Radiation Effects

Paul Fassa Waking Times A special study conducted by Dr. Atsuo Yanagisawa, M.D., Ph.D., from the Japanese College of Intravenous Therapy (JCIT) took a group of men working on the Fukushima site and administered 25,000 mg (milligrams) or 25 grams of vitamin C as a pretreatment prior to half of the men entering the area. What

TSA’s Millimeter Wave Scanners Radiate Cells With Untested and Dangerous Technology

Prevent Disease Waking Times Experts convened by health authorities have raised questions about airport X-Ray machines because they violated a longstanding principle in radiation safety — that humans shouldn’t be X-rayed unless there is a medical benefit. Although they’ve been approved all over the world, there is now overwhelming evidence that the naked body airport

There is ‘No Safe Dose of Radiation’ From TSA Naked Body Scanners

J. D. Heyes Natural News  Besides the fact that they are being operated by an agency that demonstrates on a daily basis a disdain and disregard for discretion, privacy, and professionalism, the Transportation Security Administration’s full-body backscatter x-ray machines are just not safe. That’s the diagnosis of Dr. Dong Kim, the neurosurgeon who treated U.S.

Woops! Study Accidentally Finds Chemotherapy Makes Cancer Far Worse

Anthony Gucciardi Waking Times A team of researchers looking into why cancer cells are so resilient accidentally stumbled upon a far more important discovery. While conducting their research, the team discovered that chemotherapy actually heavily damages healthy cells and subsequently triggers them to release a protein that sustains and fuels tumor growth. Beyond that, it even makes

Chemo and Radiation Actually Make Cancer More Malignant

Sayer Ji Waking Times Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the developed world, and yet we are still in the dark ages when it comes to treating and understanding it. The colossal failure of conventional cancer treatments reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of what cancer – the “enemy” – actually is.  For one, chemotherapy and radiotherapy are both intrinsicallycarcinogenic treatments.

Fukushima – A Crisis Far from Over

Lisa Bland, Wake Up World Waking Times It has been well over a year since March 11, 2011 when a 9.0 magnitude earthquake rocked the east coast of Japan, leaving in its wake unfathomable consequences for the Japanese people and many unanswered questions in Japan and the rest of the world regarding the safety of

Does Chemo & Radiation Actually Make Cancer More Malignant?

Sayer Ji Waking Times Video Option: Youtube Review of this Article Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the developed world, and yet we are still in the dark ages when it comes to treating and understanding it. The colossal failure of conventional cancer treatments reflects a fundamental misunderstanding of what cancer – the “enemy” – actually

Chemo Therapy or Poison? Shouldn’t Cancer Treatment Kill Cancer Without Killing You?

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times  Why do so many people still rely on a cancer treatment which spreads poison throughout their body killing everything in its path? Do people regularly use shotguns to kill flies? The use of chemotherapy is no different. It destroys virtually all cells and systems before getting to the actual cancer. This

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