TAG: quantum physics

What Is Reality? How It Relates to Your Well-Being

Pao L. Chang, Guest Writer Waking Times Reality is something that we experience everyday, yet most of us have little clue of what it really is. Understanding reality is important for your well-being because it affects your growth and personal development, and the reality that you choose to live in is the catalyst that helps

Does Consciousness Create Reality? The Double Slit Experiment and Waking Up

Arjun, Collective-Evolution Waking Times Where does our current understanding of reality come from? As we’ve moved through different stages of human history, new findings about the true nature of reality have become increasingly apparent. We knew the Earth was flat, we know the Earth is round, are we on the brink of another paradigm shift?

Quantum Reality: The Limitless Potential Within Everything

John Assaraf Waking Times Nobel Prize winning physicists have proven beyond doubt that the physical world is one large sea of energy that flashes into and out of being in milliseconds, over and over again. Nothing is solid. This is the world of Quantum Physics. They have proven that thoughts are what put together and

A Global Shamanic Perspective

Peter Clark, Guest Writer Waking Times So what is the current state of the world and how can shamanism relate to it? We are on a wild ride perhaps, with many twists and turns. On the one hand, we see our human created structures: financial, religious, political, health care, business, shaking and at times crumbling

Quantum Physics, Consciousness, and How Manifestation Happens – with Amit Goswami

Tim Chrisco, Guest Writer Waking Times In the following series of videos Professor Amit Goswami describes the process of, for lack of a better word, enlightenment. In his description he gives us a clear understanding of how our consciousness interacts with the world, and how enlightenment occurs. It turns out, according to Professor Goswami, that achieving

Quantum Consciousness

Staff Writer Waking Times There are many unanswered questions about consciousness facing scientists and mathematicians of today, questions that have troubled great thinkers over many centuries. Does the brain produce consciousness? Or does the brain allow us to access a certain part of the universal consciousness? What happens to consciousness after death? Physicists are employing

Oh, This Stunning Moment – Truth and Love to the Nth Power

Two Rivers, Contributing Writer Waking Times People talk about this time as a period of great awakening, a spiritual shift for humanity that will change everything, if we can only achieve it.  What does that mean?  What is supposed to shift in us?  Perhaps Gandhi comes closest to pointing us toward our awakening. We know

No Time Left – The Dynamics of the New Resistance

Julian Rose Waking Times By all accounts time is speeding up and space-time is contracting. As we move further into 2012 this phenomenon is almost palpable. Just where do the hours and days go? Terence McKenna, the late psychedelics-inspired luminary, spoke of an imminent convergence of time-lines that would bring about a ‘singularity’ event: the

Dispelling the Psychopaths From Our Quantum Soup

Carwyn Rudo, Contributing Writer Waking Times  Raw Milk and Psychopaths in Our Soup In a world in which we see psychopathic politicians and industry leaders flourishing, it behooves us to consider which conditions are ideal for and which inimical to such pathology. Looking at the fundamental conditions underlying pathology becomes paramount since resistance has been

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