TAG: pharmaceuticals


Steven Taylor, Reality Sandwich Waking Times Several writers of my acquaintance, such as Allen Ginsberg and Ed Sanders, developed the habit of keeping extensive files of press clippings on stories of personal interest. Noam Chomsky, we’re told, does the same thing. An individual news report may mention something in passing that may seem secondary to

Are You Taking Too Much Medication? Or Too Many Remedies?

The Health Coach, Contributing Writer Waking Times Throughout the field of health, wellness and medicine it is well known that too much is often much worse than too little. Most of us, given our American sensibilities and temperament, are predisposed to taking too much medicine, either on doctor’s orders or through our own self-prescribed treatment

Placebos, Nocebos, and Mind Over Matter

Tracy Kolenchuk, Guest Writer Waking Times Our medical system is less comfortable and less effective as studies and results move from the body to the mind, from the mind to the spirit, and from the spirit to the community.  Each of the top layers of the hierarchy of healthiness is studied with fear rather than with respect by

Managing Fear and Anxiety of the Unknown

Stanley Popovich, Contributing Writer Waking Times All most everybody worries about what will happen in the future. The prospect of not knowing if something good or bad will happen to you in the near future can produce a lot of fear and anxiety. As a result, here is a list of techniques and suggestions on

Use Natural Healing for Anxiety and Panic Disorders

Luella May, Guest Writer Waking Times Anxiety disorders are characterized by an overwhelming sense of apprehension. Sometimes such apprehension may become constant. Numerous physical symptoms may accompany anxiety with over 100 physical anxiety symptoms reported, including muscle tightness, heart palpitations, chest tightness/pain, dizziness, numbness, tingling, and electric shock feelings. Anxiety disorders often tend to progress

We Are All Unique: Biochemical Individuality and Nutrition

William J. Walsh, Prevent Disease Waking Times Each of us has innate biochemical factors which influence personality, behavior, mental health, immune function, allergic tendencies, etc. Scientists tell us that the number of different genetic combinations possible in a child from the same two parents exceeds 42 million. It’s interesting to note that we do not

Big Pharma Bribery: Top Celebrity Doctors Paid by GlaxoSmithKline to Push Drugs

Lisa Gerber Waking Times Famed radio host and television personality Dr. Drew Pinskey—or just Dr. Drew—is one of the many physicians and ‘celebrity doctors’ accused of accepting money from the recently exposed pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline as incentive to push the antidepressant Wellbutrin. Recently, the US government charged Glaxo with multiple misdemeanor criminal charges. These charges include Glaxo’s promotion

Drugs You Don’t Know About: Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Tainting the Water Supply

Kelsey Coy Waking Times Think you know what pharmaceuticals you ingest everyday? Think again. Several decades worth of research, most recently and notoriously an April 2008 AP Investigation, has confirmed the pervasive presence of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) in our nation’s water supply. Lesser known sources of water pollution, these drugs include antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones.

Holistic Treatment for Depression Includes Acupuncture

Elizabeth Renter Waking Times A study released last week shows promising results for pregnant women suffering from depression. According to the research, published in Obstetrics & Gynecology, acupuncture is effective in treating depression holistically in pregnant women. The information showing that holistic treatment for depression includes acupuncture comes at a time when growing research is questioning the safety of

Pharmaceutical Drug Interactions: Creating A National Mental Health Crisis

The Health Coach, Contributing Writer Waking Times Pharmaceutical drug interactions have not been studied closely by the Medical-Pharmaceutical Complex for two reasons. First, there are simply so many pharmaceutical medications on the market that the cost to do so would be prohibitive. Prohibitive to their profit-taking, certainly not prohibitive relative to the enormous revenues that

Re-Programming Our Fear of Natural Childbirth

Tricia Villanueva Waking Times The gateway to my awakening was a drug trip so ethereal… I promise you reader, the trip matters. It began without my realizing it. I find myself in deep meditation. No time, no space, I simply float. Afternoon grows into night; I’m simply being. Four hours in, my husband rushes me

Protestors Say Psychiatrists Over-Label and Over-Medicate

About 200 protesters gathered in Center City yesterday, May 5th, and marched to the convention center. Their signs read “label jars, not people” and “don’t medicalize emotions.” Participants voiced their concerns with the next edition of the influential diagnostic and statistical manual, the DSM – often referred to as the bible of psychiatry. The DSM plays a big role in this year’s American Psychiatric Association conference.

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