TAG: new dawn

The Alchemy of a New Dawn

Soren Dreier – Dharma is the ancient word for our intention in this life. Life’s path – life´s purpose. It holds the ‘why are you here’ answer.

Beyond Left & Right: Escaping the Matrix

Richard K. Moore, New Dawn Waking Times The defining dramatic moment in the film The Matrix occurs just after Morpheus invites Neo to choose between a red pill and a blue pill. The red pill promises “the truth, nothing more.” Neo takes the red pill and awakes to reality – something utterly different from anything Neo, or

When Does the Kali Yuga End?

Joscelyn Godwin, New Dawn Waking Times The widespread belief that an age is ending and a new one dawning is part of a cyclical concept of time common to most philosophical cultures. The best known versions are the Four Ages of Greek mythology and the Hindu myth of the Four Yugas. The purpose of this

The Hermetic Universe

Michael Hayes, New Dawn Waking Times Ever since my formative years, when I first began to think in concepts, I have always been confounded by the mystery of human existence. By and large we all tend to take this consciousness of ours for granted, but for me it has always been a source of wonder.

Reality Shifts: What Happens to Those Who Slip Between the Cracks of Time and Space?

P.M.H. Atwater, L.H.D., New Dawn Waking Times Perception determines “truth.” We invent our own reality through our own perceptions and others’, and by accepting what appears to be real as real. History is filled with stories of people who, in “slipping between the cracks” of their own consciousness (thus altering how they perceived the world

Transcending Our Brain Created Reality: A New Call to Lift Nature’s Veil

Bernardo Kastrup, Ph.D., New Dawn Waking Times The study of non-ordinary states of consciousness is quickly becoming an established area of scientific and philosophical inquiry. Yet, all the enthusiasm about finding out what these non-ordinary states are somehow obfuscates much bigger, important, and urgent questions: What as-of-yet unknown aspects of reality do they give us access to?

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