TAG: inflammation

The 4 Biggest Mistakes In Dietary Advice That Even Doctors Now Admit Must Be Corrected

Natasha Longo, Prevent Disease Waking Times There is no more doubting long-standing myths that mainstream nutrition adopted as truths due to poorly designed and corrupt scientific studies. On behalf of public health regulators — doctors, nutritionists and many other health experts have relied on this misinformation to guide millions with false dietary advice which we

The Dangers of Dairy

Dr. Amy Myers, Guest Waking Times All of those “Got Milk?” ads from the last decade or so would have us believe that dairy is a cornerstone of the healthy diet, providing essential nutrients, fortifying our bones, and knocking out osteoporosis left and right. But, is this true? Is consuming dairy necessary or even healthy

An MD’s Perspective On How To Avoid, Treat And Reverse Diabetes

Dr. Russell M. Jaffe, MD, PhD, Green Med Info Waking Times Diabetes matters. One in three children born today is projected to develop the condition, based on current trends.[i] This condition already afflicts over a quarter of a billion people worldwide, including 25 million Americans. Within the U.S., insulin resistance and prediabetes (also known as metabolic syndrome and

The Science That Proves You Are What You Eat

Ginger Garner, Guest Writer Waking Times No one wants to hear the phrase “you are aging prematurely.”  However, that is exactly what is happening when you suffer from chronic disease. The phrase “anti-inflammatory diet” is a huge buzzword now in medicine, fitness, and nutrition circles. But does it have any scientific support? Can we actually

How Hempseed Can Slow Premature Aging Due To Chronic Inflammation

Becca Wolford, Contributing Writer Waking Times  Inflammation. We have all experienced it.  For the most part, inflammation is GOOD, it is part of the immune response system that tells us when there is infection, stress, illness, or injury.  We then (usually) take the steps necessary to remedy the condition that caused the inflammation in the

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