TAG: enlightenment

The Nature of Real Meditation

Frank M. Wanderer – It is very difficult not to do anything, because you are used to always doing something.

The Secrets of the Spiritual Journey

Frank M. Wanderer – The book of our life stretches between the two end points, and this book is the chronicle of our wanderings.

The Veil is Thinning

Wes Annac – Meditation is a great way to explore the etheric abyss, but we don’t have to be rigid about it to glimpse spirit.

Is Enlightenment Possible?

Wes Annac – This world can be heavenly if we let it, and I don’t think we need to all-out renounce it like some spiritual teachers have told us.

Enlightenment: Wanting it vs. Working for It

Wes Annac – Most of us are reaching a point where we can’t stand the way the world is right now and we want to make a change, but the best way to make this change is to make it from within.

Creating the Life You Desire

Video – We are all governed by a set of Universal Laws that aid us in creating the life we desire.

The Nature of Mystical Experience

James C. Wilhelm, Contributor Waking Times Thousands of books have been written about mysticism over thousands of years, and this essay is a mere 1,012 words. Do I really think I can convey the essence, power and bliss of the mystical in a thousand words? I do. That is what I set out to do after recently

What is Enlightenment?

Thomas Razzeto, GrahamHancock.com Waking Times My most passionate plea is for you to wake up to your true self as pure awareness. We have all heard it said that you are not a human being having a spiritual experience, but instead, you are a spiritual being having a human experience. Yet you are not a

The Enlightenment Test

Marc Oromaner, Contributor Waking Times Enlightenment. The moment we consciously connect to eternal truth. It’s when we see through the veil of this illusionary world, rising above ego, time, materialism, and our own emotions to see the bigger picture—that we are all one. It’s what all gurus, spiritualists, yogis, Buddhists, monks, meditators, shamans, artists, writers,

The Mystical Treasures of ‘The Golden Cave’

Soren Dreier, Guest Waking Times I touched upon The Golden Cave, as being the realm of the inner Core that we have. I would like to go further into that. Caves with wonderful treasures have attracted explorers and bounty hunters throughout time. The idea of wonderful treasures of ancient and more present times is very persistent

100 Ways to Elevate Your Consciousness

Drew 4 Mind 4 Life 1. Connect with nature – Go for a walk in the forest, jungle, field of daisies, or wherever you feel like getting a connection with nature. It is possible to feel at deep sense of peace and oneness when you attempt to connect with nature. As you learn to connect

The Elusive Self: an Archetypal Inquiry

Gary “Z” McGee, Staff Writer Waking Times “A human being is part of the whole called by us universe. We experience ourselves, our thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest, a kind of optical delusion of consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restricting us to our personal desires and

Observations on Enlightenment

Dr. Stewart Bitkoff, Contributor Waking Times “Enlightenment must come little by little-otherwise it would overwhelm.” –Idries Shah In spiritual literature, have you ever wondered why there are so few straight forward discussions concerning outcomes of enlightenment; or said another way, once you have traveled a spiritual path, and become more enlightened, for you personally, what

10 Keys to Enlightenment Revealed in Cinema

Marc Oromaner, Contributor Waking Times When you’ve seen as many movies as I have, you begin to see that they all follow a certain pattern. This is true not just of movies, but of all great stories ranging from those found in classic mythology and literature to modern TV series and video games. Joseph Campbell

On Beyond Enlightenment & White Holes

Osho Waking Times Beyond enlightenment is only beyondness. Enlightenment is the last host. Beyond it, all boundaries disappear, all experiences disappear. Experience comes to its utmost in enlightenment; it is the very peak of all that is beautiful, of all that is immortal, of all that is blissful — but it is an experience. Beyond

The Principles of Zen

Julian Websdale, Contributor Waking Times Zen is a school of Mahayana Buddhism that developed in China during the 6th century as Chán. From China, Zen spread south to Vietnam, northeast to Korea and East to Japan. The word Zen is derived from the Japanese pronunciation of the Middle Chinese word 禪 (dʑjen) (pinyin: Chán), which in turn is

5 Ways to Cultivate Enlightenment

Barbara-Lynn Freed, Contributor Waking Times 1. The Benefits of Personal Responsibility Accepting responsibility for your life can be profoundly transformational, as it enables you to live consciously and be in charge of everything that happens to you. The keys to this enlightened way of life are through self-examination with a commitment to change. When you

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