Search Results for pharmaceutical industry

What The Cancer Industry Does Not Want You To Know About Chemotherapy and Radiation

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times They tell us chemotherapy saves lives, boosts long-term survival rates and does not damage healthy cells. All these statements by the cancer industry are false. Poison kills indiscriminately– always has and always will. While damaging healthy cells, chemotherapy also triggers them to secrete a protein that sustains tumour growth and

Drugs You Don’t Know About: Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients Tainting the Water Supply

Kelsey Coy Waking Times Think you know what pharmaceuticals you ingest everyday? Think again. Several decades worth of research, most recently and notoriously an April 2008 AP Investigation, has confirmed the pervasive presence of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) in our nation’s water supply. Lesser known sources of water pollution, these drugs include antibiotics, anti-convulsants, mood stabilizers and sex hormones.

Vaccine Mandates and the “Great Reset”

Philipp Bagus – The state, the media, the pharmaceutical industry, and supranational organizations are closely intertwined and have a common interest in the vaccination narrative.

Just How Powerful Is Big Pharma?

Dr. Mercola – Spending on pharmaceutical industry lobbying also reached a record amount in 2020, at more than $306 million, compared to $299 million in 2019.

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