Search Results for putin

Hope Shining Through the Cloud

Soren Dreier – Since nobody seems comfortable, with just letting the time pass without filling it up with ‘stuff,’ we go a bit astray maybe.

Opting Out of Psychology?

Soren Dreier – If you opt out psychology, you will lose a valuable tool that provides insight into the Matrix and yourself.

The Gods of Money

Richard K. Moore – “Perhaps the single most important thing to know about power in the world today is that most nations do not have control over their own currencies.”

Do We Need A Degree To Be Educated?

Mike Sygula – Does the fact that someone has no academic degree in a particular field mean that this person is incapable of becoming an expert?

Canadian Robot Producer First To Denounce Killer Robots

Nicholas West, Guest Waking Times One could debate the overall merits or failings of robotic systems, but one area that clearly has become a point for concern on all sides is the idea of “killer robots.” According to robotics pioneer, David Hanson, we are on a collision course with exponential growth in computing and technology

Can DMT Connect the Human Brain to Parallel Universes?

Anna Le-Mind, Guest Waking Times Rick Strassman in his book DMT: the Spirit Molecule, claims that DMT, which is one of the most powerful psychedelic drugs, can provide a reliable and regular access to the other planes of existence. In fact, they are always there and constantly transmit information, but we cannot perceive them because

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