Search Results for pao l chang

What is Ascension and is the Human Race Ascending?

Pao. L. Chang – For millennia, many religions and spiritual teachers have been telling us that during 2012 and soon after, humanity will experience a special spiritual event called ascension.

The Secrets of the Banking System

Pao L. Chang – Today, banks don’t actually lend out real money, but instead lend out notes or checks that are backed by a promise to pay.

The Ancient Science of Living From the Heart

Christina Sarich – “Remember the emphasis on the heart. The mind lives in doubt and the heart lives in trust. When you trust, suddenly you become centered.”

Accessing High Frequency Energy With Your Pineal Gland

Pao L. Chang, Contributor Waking Times If you want to be healthy at the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual level, you need to learn how to access high frequency energy. This type of healing energy is essential for health for the reason that it raises the frequency of your body and soul. The frequency rate

5 Ways to Increase Your Spiritual Awareness

Pao L. Chang, Guest Waking Times Many of us seem to think that being spiritual means we have to be religious. Just because you aren’t directly affiliated with a specific religion doesn’t mean you shouldn’t strive to be more spiritual. The whole concept of spiritual awareness isn’t all about connecting with a higher divine power,

9 Cases That Prove the Existence of Pyramids in Bosnia

Rich Hoyle, Contributor Waking Times In October of 2005, international media covered a sensational story of a man claiming to have discovered a group of huge, previously unknown ancient Pyramids in Europe. The man, Anthropologist Dr. Semir Osmanagic, made the fantastic announcement to journalists that he had found the biggest and oldest pyramids in the

Genetically Modified Humans and the Consequence of Exploiting Nature

Pao L. Chang, Guest Waking Times The Human Genome Project (HGP) was one of the most sophisticated projects ever done in modern human history. The HGP main focus was to sequence all 3 billion chemical base pairs of the double helix human DNA. This project was done by the US Department of Energy, the National

Suppressed Scientific Evidence Proves Free Energy Source Dating Back 25,000 Years

Michael Forrester, Prevent Disease Waking Times  A monumental discovery with four years of comprehensive geo-archaeological research has failed to reach mainstream audiences for some reason. The most active pyramid site in the world dating the pyramid complex back 25,000 years has also released scientific evidence supporting the theory that the pyramids were used as an

A Simple Technique to Sense Your Intuition

Pao L. Chang, Guest Writer Waking Times Learning to sense your intuition can be tricky but it is not as hard as you may think. Before you can sense your intuition, you need to first believe that you have an intuition. Next, you need to understand what it is. Your intuition is a part of

What Is Reality? How It Relates to Your Well-Being

Pao L. Chang, Guest Writer Waking Times Reality is something that we experience everyday, yet most of us have little clue of what it really is. Understanding reality is important for your well-being because it affects your growth and personal development, and the reality that you choose to live in is the catalyst that helps

Doomsday 2012: How the “End Times” was Engineered

Pao L. Chang, Guest Writer Waking Times The “End Times” prophecy is one of the most successful self-fulfilling prophecies because it has tricked millions of religious followers into believing that the end of the world is near. The people who believe that the world is going to end by the end of 2012 do not realize that

How to Free Your Mind from the Conventional Matrix

Pao L. Chang, Guest Writer Waking Times The human mind is one of nature’s greatest achievements because of its infinite potential. Its potential is so astonishing that if you learn how to unlock its full potential, anything is possible. Below is an excerpt from my book Staradigm about what the mind is. The human mind is one of the most advanced

The Healing Miracle of Water

Pao L. Chang, Guest Writer Waking Times Water is an element that we are very familiar with because it is found in nearly every place on Earth and is also a part of us. According to certain researchers, our bodies and planet Earth are made of roughly 70 percent water. Even though we are very

How Mainstream Media Deceives You With Its Magic Tricks

Pao L. Chang, Guest Writer Waking Times Words of caution: The videos at the end of this page contain visual evidence that will change how you view the reality that you live in and help free your mind. If you are happy with how the world works and like to think that everything that you

The Healing Power of Energy Devices: Is There Such a Thing as Incurable Disease?

Pao L. Chang, Guest Writer Waking Times To understand if incurable diseases exist, we need to understand what a disease is and its main causes. The excerpt below does a good job explaining what a disease is. It is extracted from A disease is an abnormal condition affecting the body of an organism. It

DNA Activation: The Secret to Health and Enlightenment

Pao L. Chang, Guest Writer Waking Times  It has been over a century since DNA was discovered and yet scientists still have not understood the true roles of DNA and its relationship to our health. One of the main reasons for this is because most scientists are only studying the surface of DNA which consists

Pineapple Enzyme Kills Cancer Without Killing You

Sayer Ji Waking Times Every once in a while a study pops up on the National Library of Medicine’s bibliographic database known as MEDLINE that not only confirms the therapeutic relevance of natural substances in cancer treatment, but blows the conventional approach out of the water. Published in 2007 in the journal Planta Medica, researchers found that

Global Population Explosion Marks The End Of The Iron Age

The KALI YUGA, also known as the Iron Age, is acknowledged by the ancients to contain the seeds of its own destruction. The Mayan Long Count Calendar reveals when and how and where these seeds will sprout and grow into a vine of planetary disintegration.

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