Search Results for Brandon West

Black Whole Dynamics: The Origin of Consciousness?

Brandon West, Contributor Waking Times In our universe, everything is energy. And there is no division in that energy; it is formless, infinitely dense, and available at every point in the universe in unlimited quantities. Therefore, what is consciousness? And what is the origin of consciousness? If everything is energy then there is no solidity anywhere, and

Black Whole Dynamics: The Foundation of our Fractal-Holographic Universe

Brandon West, Contributor Waking Times If I had to explain Nassim Haramein’s work and try to describe his Holofractographic Universe Theory (HFU) to a person who had never heard of it before, or who was questioning it’s validity, I would begin with the scaling law for organized matter. This scaling law to me is as close

3 Essential Practices for Consciousness Evolution

Brandon West, Contributor Waking Times Consciousness evolution is the process of becoming universal consciousness. In order to do so, all that we need to do is simply open up a channel within us so that universal consciousness can flow through us uninhibited, because our highest self, the highest level of our consciousness is universal consciousness. This is

The Unified Field and the Illusion of Time: Understanding the Source of Creation

Brandon West, Contributor Waking Times “Time is just a construct of the universe to keep everything from happening all at once.” – John Archibald Wheeler John Archibald Wheeler was one of the physics giants of the 20th century, and was a colleague of Einstein’s. But what if everything is happening all at once? Moreover, what if

Proof That the Human Body is a Projection of Consciousness

Brandon West, Contributor Waking Times In this article we will explore how your body is a holographic projection of your consciousness, and how you directly influence that hologram and thus have complete control over the physical health of your body. We will also specifically explore the exact mechanism behind this principle, and don’t worry, I will provide

Vacuum Energy: Proof of Free Energy in the Space All Around Us

Brandon West, Contributor Waking Times Everything in the entire universe, everything that you and I perceive to be solid matter, is actually not matter at all. All the space around us is pure energy which we will call vacuum energy. Not only that, but this vacuum energy is infinitely dense. The reality that you and I

Texas Family Awarded $3 Million in Nation’s First Fracking Trial

Brandon Baker, EcoWatch Waking Times It took three years, but a Texas family finally emerged victorious in a case that could long impact fracking companies and the impact they have on the communities in which they operate. A Dallas jury favored the Parr family, which sued Aruba Petroleum back in 2011 after experiencing an array of health

20 Places to Find Local Food and Family Farms Near You

Heather Callaghan, Guest Waking Times As demand for local and raw goods continue to rise, more people are asking – where do I find local organic? Where do I find raw milk and join a herd share? Where are the farmers markets, co-ops and stands? Activist Post writer, Brandon Turbeville, interviews Heather Callaghan on his show, Truth

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