Mainstream Media Propaganda – ABC Uses KY Gun Range Video As Evidence Of Turk Kurd ‘Slaughter In Syria’
Brandon Turbeville, The Organic Pepper
Waking Times
As the Western corporate media becomes apoplectic with rage over the fact that the United States appears to be withdrawing from Northern Syria and the Syrian government is reclaiming territory in the same area, the propaganda coming from those outlets is increasing. Along with catcalls of Syria being “Trump’s Saigon” from war criminals like Susan Rice, MSM is also attempting to frame the narrative of “abandoning the Kurds” in order to pressure the Trump administration into remaining in an unjust and unwinnable war.
Perhaps an act of brazen propaganda or perhaps an oversight, ABC recently ran a propaganda piece regarding the “Slaughter In Syria,” a phrase used to denote Trump’s apparent betrayal of the Military-Industrial Complex and to paint a withdrawal as an act of complicit genocide.
Alongside the report, however, was an accompanying video, that appeared to show the firefight taking place in that “slaughter.” The problem is that this video was apparently taken in 2017 inside the United States at a place called Knob Creek Gun Range, in West Point, Kentucky.
As Becket Adams writes for the Washington Examiner in their article, “ABC News’ ‘Slaughter In Syria’ Footage Appears To Come From A Kentucky Gun Range,’
ABC aired supposedly shocking footage Monday and Sunday purporting to be from the frontline battle between the Syrian Kurds and the invading Turks. The only problem is: The footage appears to come from a nighttime machine gun demonstration at the Knob Creek Gun Range in West Point, Kentucky.
After seeing a comment from Wojciech Pawelczyk, I began making some calls. As of this writing, it appears ABC indeed aired footage recorded in the Kentucky and claimed it was from Syria. The network has since pulled the video.
“We’ve taken down video that aired on World News Tonight Sunday and Good Morning America this morning that appeared to be from the Syrian border immediately after questions were raised about its accuracy,” a network representative told the Washington Examiner. “ABC News regrets the error.”
A representative for the gun range also told the Washington Examiner that they are still investigating ABC’s reporting, adding further that the images aired by the network “look to be” from their Kentucky property.
“As of right now,” the representative added, “it seems to be our footage.”
Note that the sequence and shape of explosions is identical in the following ABC and Kentucky videos, as are some of the features of the terrain amid the explosions. But we might actually be dealing with two different videos of the same Kentucky live-fire event from slightly different angles. In the independent film of the live-fire event in Kentucky, you can clearly see taller objects in the foreground that seem to appear as silhouettes in the ABC footage:
As he spoke, ABC aired footage showing undisclosed gunmen firing tracer bullets at undisclosed targets, causing massive, fiery explosions. Furious stuff indeed.
Earlier, on Sunday, ABC News anchor Tom Llamas also aired the allegedly shocking footage, claiming it showed a fierce Turkish attack on Kurd civilians.
“The situation rapidly spiraling out of control in northern Syria. One week since President Trump ordered U.S. forces out of that region, effectively abandoning America’s allies in the fight against [the Islamic State],” he said.
Llamas then described the video as it aired on-screen.
“This video right here appearing to show Turkey’s military bombing Kurd civilians in a Syrian border town. The Kurds, who fought alongside the U.S. against ISIS. Now, horrific reports of atrocities committed by Turkish-backed fighters on those very allies,” he added.
The intro to the show he anchored,ABC World News Tonight, also claimed of the footage: “A border town, bombarded by Turkey’s military!”
The footage would indeed be stunning were if actually from northern Syria. It would be horrific were it actually to show a Turkish assault on Kurd civilians. But it does not show that. The footage, which appears to be from 2017, shows American gun enthusiasts putting on a terrific pyrotechnic show for an audience in Kentucky. In fact, the Machine Gun Shoot and Military Gun Show, which involves the very popular night shoot, is a bi-annual event at the Kentucky gun range. People love the show. They love it so much, in fact, that they record it and post footage of it to social media.
This isn’t the first time major media corporations have posted incorrect video/audio reports regarding the Syrian crisis. In 2017, CNN was caught faking statements coming from a Syrian witness who was talking of starvation. CNN, however, changed the quotes to read that he was afraid of Assad’s bombs. CNN was also famous for the “Syrian Danny” fiasco where a firefight was coordinated with CNN producers in order to make it appear that democracy-loving peaceful protesters were being murdered by the Syrian government. This propaganda piece was only topped in comedic value by “Gay Girl In Damascus” of NPR fame, which later turned out to be a straight man in England.
You can enjoy some of the Knob Creek Videos here below if you like. You may also feel good in the knowledge that no Kurds were abandoned during the making of these videos:

About the Author
Brandon Turbeville – article archive here – is an author out of Florence, South Carolina. He is the author of six books, Codex Alimentarius — The End of Health Freedom, 7 Real Conspiracies,Five Sense Solutions and Dispatches From a Dissident, volume 1 and volume 2, The Road to Damascus: The Anglo-American Assault on Syria,and The Difference it Makes: 36 Reasons Why Hillary Clinton Should Never Be President. Turbeville has published over 1,000 articles dealing on a wide variety of subjects including health, economics, government corruption, and civil liberties. Brandon Turbeville’s podcast Truth on The Tracks can be found every Monday night 9 pm EST at UCYTV. He is available for radio and TV interviews. Please contact activistpost (at)