Search Results for Graham Hancock

Graham Hancock’s “Quest For The Lost Civilization” (Video)

Skeptics may scoff, but Hancock earnestly points out similarities in giant stone structures in the Egyptian desert and Cambodian jungles, and on Easter Island and in Micronesia, he points out what he considers evidence of an ancient society of seafarers. His ideas may seem utterly bizarre at first, but Hancock presents them in an understated and good-natured manner, and he also makes clever use of computer graphics and aerial photography to illustrate the startling similarities in ancient structures found from the North Atlantic to the South Pacific.

Ancient Mysteries – Turbowolf and Graham Hancock (Video)

In the first of a series of four episodes, Turbowolf interview Graham Hancock at The Roman Baths in Bath. Graham Hancock is one of the foremost authorities on Ancient Mysteries, having written numerous bestselling non-fiction books on the subject such as ‘Fingerprints Of The Gods’, ‘The Sign & The Seal’, ‘Heavens Mirror’ and ‘Supernatural’ and, recently, the fantasy adventure novel Entangled.

Psychedelics, Consciousness & the Birth of Civilization

Graham Hancock – The “spirit world” and its inhabitants are real, that supernatural powers and nonphysical beings do exist, and that human consciousness may, under certain special circumstances, be liberated from the body…

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