Monthly Archives

McDonald’s and Monsanto Are Both ‘Losing Money Fast’

Anthony Gucciardi – In a series of headlines that would pass as virtually unbelievable several years ago, mainstream economists are sounding the alarm over the financial decline of both fast food giant McDonald’s and biotech juggernaut Monsanto.

Feeding the Fear

Jane Chitty – It may not be a completely new concept — instilling fear into people — but it has certainly become much worse.

Massive Ancient Stone Face Revealed in the Amazon Rainforest

Jeremy Hance – Rising above a waterfall—and looking somewhat like the brooding stone faces of Easter Island or something out of the Lord of the Rings—this giant monument has long been known to the Harakbut people…

Scientists Discover That Eyes Are Windows To The Soul

Steven Bancarz – “The eyes are the windows of the soul”. People usually say this when they can see pain, anger, or some other emotion in somebody else’s eyes, but recent research gives a whole new meaning to this phrase.

Why Gelatinous Bone Broth Is Good for You

Video – Natural health expert Dr. Joseph Mercola interviews Dr. Kaayla Daniel, author of Nourishing Broth, discussing the various health benefits of bone broth.

Seed Libraries Fight for the Right to Share

Christopher D. Cook – Seed libraries—a type of agricultural commons where gardeners and farmers can borrow and share seed varieties, enriching their biodiversity and nutrition—have sprouted up across the U.S. in recent years, as more Americans seek connection to food and the land.

A Moral Question

Video – We must begin to incorporate moral questions into our governing process or, as Oren Lyon says, you won’t have a process that is going to survive.

The True Purpose of a Daily Spiritual Practice

Brandon West – It is our birthright to live the most extraordinary lives and to experience the diversity of this reality and the best that existence has to offer…


How Playing an Instrument Benefits Your Brain

Video – When you listen to music, multiple areas of your brain become engaged and active. But when you actually play an instrument, that activity becomes more like a full-body brain workout.

Chemtrails Exposed

Peter A. Kirby – After so many years of watching airplanes produce the lines in the sky, largely without knowing of what this Project consists or why, we have recently gained an understanding.

Every Television Newscast: Staged Reality

Jon Rappoport – The news is all about artificially manipulating the context of stories. The thinner the context, the thinner the mind must become to accept it.

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