Monthly Archives

What’s to Blame for Our Dying Planet?

Catherine J. Frompovich – Every day, commonplace humans who live, work, and try to make ends meet are being blamed for ruining Planet Earth. Why?

We Were Born To Create

Zen Gardner – Creation is continual. Everything is constantly evolving and changing. Nothing is static no matter how solid or set things appear.

Sunlight Does Not Cause Skin Cancer

Marco Torres – Exposure to ultraviolet B radiation in sunlight provides the mechanism for more than 90% of the vitamin D production in most individuals.

15 Herbal Teas for Every Ailment

Infographic – A list of 15 of the most common herbal teas that can boost your immune system, cure a variety of ailments and could even help prevent fatal diseases.

New Candle Powered Heater to Revolutionize Home Heating

Anastasia Pantsios – Egloo is conceived for contrasting continuous waste of electricity used for warming domestic environments, offering as an option a candle-powered way that provides a cheaper and more ecological energy…

 Sedation by Sound Bite

Julian Rose – Millions upon millions of educated – and even aware people, all over the world, are succumbing to a new virus ‘SBS’, or ‘Sound-Bite Syndrome’.

How To Become a Lucid Dreamer

Gloria Eagle – The art and science of lucid dreaming was an important part of the culture of old civilizations and still is practiced in many tribal societies.

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