Monthly Archives

Epigenomics and How Natural Nutrients Heal Genes

Pao L. Chang – Geneticists have discovered that the human genome consists of not only genes, but also a highly complex genetic switch system, composing of millions of genetic switches.

The Conspiracy of Language

Zen Gardner – Why the deliberate confusion? For us to draw awake and aware conclusions would mean the inevitable fall of their power structure.

Nomad Souls Looking for Redemption

Soren Dreier – The ability to cut through spiritual and mundane distortion hugely expands if we administer ourselves into higher altitudes of perception in a society still debating whether senses are for real….

6 Ways to Undermine American Fascism

Gary ‘Z’ McGee – We live in a culture that’s suffocating under the stifling cross-stitched blanket of state and corporate power, and there is a single word sewn onto that two-sided blanket: Fascism.

Why The News Media Sucks

Video – Why do the news and so many media site offer so little hard-hitting investigative journalism?

The Pineal Gland, DMT & Forbidden Knowledge

Video – Here’s a video of David Wilcox explaining the characteristics and functions of the pineal gland and DMT in transdimensional access, and how we are calcifying it with the food and products that we consume in our daily lives.

Oligarchy and the War on Individualism

Ethan Indigo Smith – Anyone who says that people cannot change things, that we are powerless to the control systems that already exists, does not realize they are in a system that began as imagination, an idea, which came about through influence…

how to meditate

We All Meditate, Whether We Know it or Not

Phil Watt – Meditation is just like exercise—if we want to make our bodies fit for living or our brains fit for meditation, we need to keep at it.

Sacred Geometry ~ The Geometry of Consciousness

Video – The Geometry of Consciousness. Ever since I was struck with the realization that all things were connected, Sacred Geometry has been a gateway to a new awareness of the world in my life.

The Tesla Mystique

George B. Trinkaus – Tesla was a humanitarian idealist consumed by a passion to save the world from poverty and war, and a superhumun inventor who had the uncanny to visualize the operation of machines in his head.

Stuff They Don’t Want You To Know – Nikola Tesla

Video – When impoverished inventor Nikola Tesla died in New York City, the U.S. government confiscated his notes. Why? Were they trying to steal his technology? Did they ever relinquish the notes? Tune in to this episode to find out.

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