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On Chinese Medicine: The Five Xíng

Stephan Beyer, Singing to the Plants Waking Times BACKGROUND European philosophy has long been dominated by questions of epistemology: what do we know? how do we know it? how can we justify our claims to knowledge? Chinese philosophy — perhaps because of its origins in practical political thought — has been dominated instead by questions

Searching for the Dawn & Demise of Ancient Civilisation

Robert M. Schoch, Ph.D, New Dawn Waking Times When and where did civilisation begin? How far back in time does high culture go? Indeed, what do we mean by such terms as civilisation, or sophisticated and high culture? When I was in college, more years ago than I perhaps care to remember, I learned the

5 Types of Medicinal Mushrooms and How They Boost Health

Andreea Nica, AlterNet Waking Times Different species of mushrooms have valuable benefits. Understanding how food interacts with our bodies and the role it plays in healing various health conditions can be helpful. Whether food is used as part of a medical treatment or a prevention-focused diet, knowledge is power. Though some may disregard medicinal food,

Cannabis and Legislators – The CBD-Only Stampede

Martin A. Lee, Reality Sandwich Waking Times Join Martin A. Lee for the live, interactive video course, “The Cannabis Health Revolution: Understanding and Utilizing the Latest Science and Research.” Learn from some of the world’s leading medical experts how marijuana can be used for healing mind and body. Martin will be joined by an all-star line up

Lifting the Veil – How to Strengthen Psychic and Intuitive Abilities

Deidre Madsen, O.M., Contributor Waking Times Environmental conditions can often produce a hyper-sensitive empath. When I came into the world aware in-vitro, I acquired a hyper-vigilant survival mechanism of empathically and psychically needing to connect with everyone around me to gauge their behavior / mood / thought patterns, thus strengthening my “intuitive muscles” over time

Toke Up and Focus – How Cannabis Can Help With ADHD

Kevin Sterne, Contributor Waking Times Adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder () use cannabis more than most of us, according to a Brown University study. But, they probably are not toking up for the reasons one may think. Far from lazing around, suggestive new research offers, they might be doing it to write a college

Plasma Physics, the Electric Universe & the Ancient Texts

V. Susan Ferguson, Contributor Waking Times “Plasma is the most abundant material in your galaxy, and therefore a desirable energy source. Pyramids contained a Pleiadian technology presently unknown to you, which accessed the Solar Winds for power. The pyramids were strategically placed around the planet and used as collectors to gather the plasma. The Ekur

5 Mind-Blowing Lessons from Psychedelics Experts

April M. Short, AlterNet Waking Times A recent online course unraveled psychedelic science, medicine, art and spirituality. The problem with banning anything out of a fear of the unknown is that many unknowns will remain. Such is the story of many psychedelic drugs in the U.S. While the government has experimented with various psychedelic compounds

Junk Food Encoded in Children’s DNA and Beyond

Heather Callaghan, Contributor Waking Times New study ponders impact of Western food and GMOs on posterity’s genes… Through the emerging information from epigenetics – the study of environmental exposure on genes – it becomes apparent that we are not the body equivalent to Las Vegas. What happens to us doesn’t stay with us – it

A One World Religion is Already Here

Julian Wash, Contributor Waking Times Dear Humans, Today I would like to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that adheres to certain religious beliefs and practices. It has long been understood by the architects of social order that a belief system predicated on fear and consequence was essential for maintaining control

You Don’t Have To Carry That Weight

Zen Gardener, Guest Waking Times I find this concept intriguing, as it’s very subtle but a major influence on many of us. Those working hard to help influence and change this current paradigm, or at least bring a degree of enlightenment that would help bring about positive change, are tempted to carry a tremendous weight

12 Negative Aspects of Consuming Cannabis

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times The progressing liberation of cannabis has been brought about by a surge in information on the positive medical and recreational benefits of this healing plant. There is a growing body of scientific evidence demonstrating how this plant can be of tremendous medicinal value in fighting and coping with many

Advantame – A “New & Improved” Artificial Sweetener

Deane Alban, Guest Waking Times Artificial sweeteners have always been bad news for your brain. They are highly suspected of causing many serious brain health problems including memory loss, brain tumors, and Alzheimer’s. Ironically, they aren’t making us any thinner, either! The US Food & Drug Administration recently announced their approval of a new artificial

Sit Until the World Becomes Still

Brandon West, Contributor Waking Times Sit until the world becomes still. There is a quote that Wayne Dyer uses frequently by a man named Blaise Pascal which goes: “All of humanity’s problems stem from man’s inability to sit quietly in a room alone.” Isn’t that the truth. In life things always seem to go wrong when we

Not All Salt is Created Equally – The Types of Salt and Their Benefits

Kris Gunnars, Guest Waking Times “Salt is what makes things taste bad when it isn’t in them.” – Unknown Salt is arguably the most important ingredient in cooking. Without it, most meals would taste bland and unexciting. However… not all salt is created equal and there are many “types” to choose from. We have Himalayan

Ayahuasca – State of the Vine: 2014

Rak Razam, Guest Waking Times What IS ayahuasca, and why is it peaking in Western use now? Is ayahuasca being commoditized by the tourist industry and people making money off this sacred indigenous medicine? Are the plants grooming us for a return to energetic balance (health) within ourselves and with the planet? Can this spiritual

The Multiples Effect – Proof That Our Minds Are All Connected

Steven Bancarz, Spirit Science Metaphysics Waking Times This may seem like a far out idea, but is it possible that our thoughts create fields of information that go into the Global Mind we share? Is it possible our thoughts might create “thought fields” that can interact with the thought fields of others?  There is a

Liberation – of That Specific Type

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times Who or what am I? We say “I Am”, but who or what is that? It seems there are many answers offered. Maybe the question has been fully answered for you. To me, the ‘I Am’ relates to empowerment as a Being; the capacity to create, the discipline to surrender

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