Monthly Archives

It’s Time to Banish Hope and Belief

Zen Gardner, Guest Waking Times Here’s a good exercise that will help alter your conscious awareness and put punch and clarity where slosh once existed. Don’t even use the words “hope” or “believe”. Every time you’re tempted to say, write or even think these debilitating, nebulous concepts, replace “I hope” or “I believe” with “I

HAARP, Chemtrails, and Weather Modification – The True Source of Climate Change

James Lee, Contributor Waking Times To state the obvious, the weather around the globe keeps getting more and more intense everywhere. It is getting much colder in some regions and much hotter in others. It is global warming and it is global cooling. Record highs, record lows, record heat, record cold. Record swing in temperature

Despite Majority Opposition, GMO Corn Gets Green Light in Europe

John Deike, EcoWatch Waking Times Corporations, backed by influential lobbyists and western governments, dealt major blows this month against activists who are fighting to limit the cultivation of genetically modified organisms(GMOs). The European Commission gave DuPont Pioneer the green light to freely grow insecticidal corn, also known as TC1507. Photo courtesy of ShutterstockOn Feb. 11, the European

The Purpose of Life

V. Susan Ferguson, Contributor Waking Times “It is in the finest reach of man’s consciousness that God abides or reveals himself most fully.” –K.K. Nair/Krishna Chaitanya The above sentence, written by the brilliant and renowned Indian scholar K.K. Nair/Krishna Chaitanya, expresses to me the most profoundly beautiful of thoughts. For after all is said and

4 Things the ‘Powers-That-Be’ Don’t Want You to Know About Anarchy

Gary ‘Z’ McGee, Staff Writer Waking Times “None are more enslaved than those who believe they are free.” – Johann Wolfgang von Goethe There are few subjects as controversial and taboo as the concept of anarchy. It mostly leaves a bad taste in people’s mouth due in no small part to years of psychological conditioning,

Canadian Company Called U.S. Oil Sands Will Soon Start Extracting Utah’s Tar Sands

Anne Landman, DeSmogBlog Waking Times Think only Canadians need to worry about tar sands extraction? Think again. In October, U.S. Oil Sands, Inc. joined Kentucky-based Arrakis Oil Recovery as the second company to receive a permit to produce U.S. tar sands. The Utah Water Quality Board gave U.S. Oil Sands a permit to extract 2,000 barrels of oil per day from

Study Reveals “Unavoidable” Danger of HPV Vaccines

Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times A new review published in Autoimmunity Reviews titled, “On the relationship between human papilloma virus vaccine and autoimmune disease,” is destined to reopen the controversy surrounding numerous reports of HPV vaccine-induced harm that have surfaced ever since their widespread use, beginning with the FDA’s 2006 approval of Merck & Co.’s Gardasil.[i] The study

Doctor Appointments For Annual Exams and Vaccination Associated With Increased Flu-Like Illnesses

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times New research in Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology shows that child doctor appointments for annual exams and vaccinations are associated with an increased risk of flu-like illnesses in children and family members within two weeks of the visit. This risk translates to more than 700,000 potentially avoidable illnesses each year, costing

The Hidden World of Faerie

Elva Thompson, Guest Waking Times “Come fairies! Take me out of this dull world,? For I would ride with you? Upon the wind and dance ? Upon the mountains like a flame.” – W.B. Yeats Time is speeding up, the sand in the hourglass of our lives is flowing, and our everyday existence is a challenge,

Spirits in the Flesh

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times People need encouragement: we really do, because we’re in for some changes that we might experience as painful and unjust. We also need information and honesty. Justice can be welcomed… or not. But it will come because it’s natural law… energy goes out, energy comes back around: everything gets resolved

Did the Government Give Industrial Hemp a Pass to Clean Up Radiation in the State?

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times Activists have been shouting they want an end to GMO foods for more than a decade now, and Cannabis Sattiva L. supporters have been at it for even longer, so why has the US government finally given farmers the right to legally grow industrial hemp, the non-hallucinatory, sister plant of

How to Develop a Photographic Memory

Waking Times Editor’s Note: Here is an interesting technique that one can work with to develop a more photographic memory. Tools such as this can offer pathways to better understanding your own consciousness of for developing deeper levels of awareness and mindfulness. Everyone wants to remember everything all the time, reach into the sciences behind

Waking Times on The People’s Voice – Episode 2 This Weekend!

Waking Times Not wanting to miss out on the exciting events taking place at the The People’s Voice network, we’ve been working hard to produce our second episode of Waking Times for the network. Episode 2 features a fascinating interview we did with James Gilliland of, discussing the inter-dimensional beings who are affecting events

Valentine’s and a Rose for Emily

Julian Wash, Contributor  Waking Times Dear Humans, Today I wish to return to your awareness an aspect of the Human condition that words can hardly express. It’s a path that leads to a place euphemistically referred to as nowhere. It’s a journey of still reflection and quiet repose that entwines the shadows of yesterday with

The Sin of Eve?

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times Our children are beyond us; even if they haven’t grown into it yet, they will take some aspect of us onward. At age five my mother asked me to pray to a male presence in the sky for forgiveness and mercy. I did as she asked. I don’t mind that

The Hidden Fuel of Intention

Soren Dreier, Guest Waking Times ‘Hope’ and ‘Belief’ can be very tricky concepts to frame right. They can be very low frequency or they can be very high frequency. It all comes down to the consciousness that inhabits them. If they are low frequency they are an extension of the Matrix or the control system.

Removing the Veil

Dr. Stewart Bitkoff, Contributor Waking Times “You yourself are under your own veil.” -Hafiz Q:  I have been traveling the road to higher consciousness for many years and it has been a long hard journey. Fortunately there have been occasional Divine Breezes along the way, but I cannot say I feel any closer to God for

The Tao of Love and Relationships

David James Lees, Guest Waking Times I’d like to focus on the three main areas of ‘emotional misunderstanding’ that I encounter when dealing with love and relationship issues with my clients and offer my practical Wu Wei Wisdom to help you with these situations. Many of you will have experienced the wonderful sensation of being in love and

Nano-Bots, Mind Control & Trans-Humanism – The Future of Consciousness?

Christina Sarich, Staff Writer Waking Times “A human being is a part of the whole, called by us Universe, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest-a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison, restricting us to our

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