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Cannabis: A Powerful Therapy To Reduce Chronic Medications and Prevent Disease

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times  Cannabidiol, the non-psychoactive part of cannabis plant has been proven medically to relieve many diseases including the inhibition of cancer cell growth. Recent studies have even shown it to be an effective atypical anti-psychotic in treating schizophrenia, a disease many other studies have inconsistently found it causing. There is little doubt

The GMO Lie Threatens Life on Earth Yet Some Resist

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times In 62 United States counties, citizens have to right to know if their food has been genetically altered, and more communities throughout the US (in some 37 states) are continuing to fight against unlabeled GM foods. The American population continues to learn of the harm GM is doing to

Erasing the Consciousness Dilemma and Entering the Mystic State

Emmanuel Karavousanos, Guest Writer Waking Times Religions have increased in number over the many centuries illustrating a need humans have for spiritual relief.  Over this great period of time mysticism has continued to baffle and elude human understanding.  The mystical experience and the mystical state have remained just that – mystical.  It may very well

Hemp – Its Uses and Cures

Yolanda Bertaud, MSOM, HHP, CH., Guest Writer Waking Times  Let’s start out with it’s un-refutable qualities, how resourceful and versatile this God given plant and why are we so deprived of it… As for health, this is literally a well kept source of information that has been proven to do miraculous results. A recommended good read is “Hemp for Health: The

Scientists Point Out Corruption in Vaccine’s Promotion

Heidi Stevenson, Green Med Info Waking Times Using Merck’s Gardasil vaccine as a case in point, an investigation documents Big Pharma’s near-total control of governmental health agency decisions and the utter lack of concern by the decision makers. However, some scientists are speaking out, and here’s what they have to say. Read a French Translation

Chiron – Shaman of the Skies

Linda George, Contributing Writer Waking Times  I talked in ‘Living in an Ensouled Universe’ about the energetic imprint we each receive from the stars (shorthand for Sun, Moon and planets) at our birth, by way of electromagnetic energy affecting our energy fields. As well as our unique natal pattern of cosmic energy, we are each

Mastery of the Expanded Self

Chris Bourne, Contributing Writer Waking Times To truly realise the depth and majesty of our expanded self, we have to master the direct confrontation of the moment. It’s all about performing inner alchemy. There’s essentially two forms of consciousness that make up our existential being: the separation consciousness that forms the bodymind, and the unity

Seven Qualities of the Divine Revolutionary

Sera Beak, Reality Sandwich Waking Times 1. Know Thy Self I take the time and make the effort to Know my self: my mind, body, psyche, energy, feelings, sexuality, beliefs, shadow, my masculine and feminine, my conscious and unconscious, my spirit and my soul, my humanity and my divinity. I recognize that everything that happens

Transcending Language and the Leap of Faith

Zen Gardner, Guest Writer Waking Times Don’t you love dreams, especially the trippy ones where you’re sure you were there? I just had another one, and it brought up so many significant concepts and emphasized something I’ve been thinking a lot about lately. Manifesting the next level with all that is in us. The main

5 Foods That Kill Cancer And Help The Body Destroy Tumours Without Any Drugs

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times Certain proteins within our immune system hold the precise instructions needed to destroy cancerous tumours. In a healthy body, this inherent ability is always present and always effective without the use of drugs. However, these proteins can be rendered ineffective if cells experience uncontrolled growth though damage or mutations

Rambunctious Souls

Soren Dreier, Contributing Writer Waking Times Are you one of the: “Freedom loving, fear fighting, pattern breaking, don’t give a shit anymore, sweet and loving rambunctious souls?” Be proud, stand strong and keep on keeping on. True freedom first step is: Not giving a rats ass of attention to whatever people are thinking of you. People

Near-Death Experiences Explained by Quantum Physicists

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer Waking Times Are souls constructed from the fabric of our universe? Dr. Stuart Hameroff, Professor Emeritus at the University of Arizona, and his colleague Sir Roger Penrose, a British theoretical physicist, seem to think so, and have been promoting this theory over the last 15 years. Hameroff and Penrose believe that consciousness

Can Diet Improve Psychic Ability and Pineal Gland Function?

Mary E. Riposo, PhD, Guest Writer Waking Times We all know that eating right is a good way to maintain your health. Do you remember your mother telling you to “eat your vegetables” when you were a child? We all know that a diet high in raw foods and vegetables is good for our physical

If You Believe In Vaccines, You Don’t Believe In The Perfection of The Human Body

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times Plain and simple, you can’t believe in both. The marketing of vaccines relies on fear and intimidation with a constant amplification of a myth that the human body is somehow flawed and incapable of protecting itself against foreign invaders. Humans have lived on the Earth for hundreds of millennia,

Activists Disagree On Legitimacy Of Poland’s GM Crop Ban

Alex Pietrowski, Staff Writer Waking Times The recent news of a Polish ban on GM Crops was celebrated by some activists and supported by Greenpeace International, but, a vocal and well-organized grass roots organization in Poland, the International Coalition to Protect the Polish Countryside, (ICPPC) has been crying foul. Not only do these grass roots

Should We Get Raw Milk By Prescription?

Raluca Schachter, Guest Writer Waking Times If I ever travel to other US states I’d like to be able to buy raw milk by prescription. Since you can easily get many things by prescription these days… All kind of dangerous substances. FDA says raw milk is “dangerous”. So I bet I could get it by prescription!

Avoid the Flu With Traditional Chinese Medicine

Hugh Castor, Guest Writer Waking Times With the influenza season in full swing, it is a good idea to take preventive measures to decrease your chances of getting sick. There are a number of natural, safe, and simple measures from Traditional Chinese Medicine and Naturopathy that one can use to minimize exposure and to increase

Over 12 Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds and Sesame Oil

Mike Barrett, Natural Society Waking Times An amazingly healthful food utilized for over 5,000 years, sesame may be one of the most potent, nutrient-dense medicinal foods still used today. Sesame seeds are not only praised for their nutritional content in seed form, but are also highly valued for their rancid-resistant oil. In fact, once you

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