When You Finally Decide to Quit Smoking

Evan Richardson, Guest
Waking Times

If you have to do one thing for the rest of 2019 – quit smoking.

Deciding to quit smoking is one of the best decisions you’ll ever make for your health. But then, what’s right isn’t always the easiest path. Quitting can be a tricky experience for some. You might have mild withdrawal symptoms, or it may be a little harder. Knowing what to expect is vital.

Even if it gets tough, remember, it will be worth it in the end. Hang in there!

  • Common withdrawal symptoms

    The most common symptom people experience when quitting smoking is nicotine withdrawal and cravings. These can be really intense, but usually only last a few minutes at a time. Tell yourself you’ll have one ‘in five minutes,’ then add another five, and another five, until your craving subsides.

    Another common side effect is an increase in appetite and subsequent weight gain. Nicotine suppresses the appetite, so quitting can leave you feeling hungrier. Some people also eat more just to have something to put in their mouth that isn’t a cigarette. However, be careful because gaining a lot of weight in a short amount of time isn’t healthy, either. Make sure you’re still eating a balanced diet.

    Some people also find they feel irritable, angry, or even depressed. These feelings are all normal and will eventually pass. Relaxation and deep breathing may help, and all your symptoms will eventually subside on their own. However, if in the meantime, you’re finding your symptoms hard to handle, see your doctor for advice. You could also try nicotine gum, patches, or vaping. Ask around for the best online vape shop.

    What happens when you quit

    It’s common knowledge that smoking isn’t good for our health, and can cause serious problems in many areas of the body. But then, did you know that you start recovering in as little as six hours after your last cigarette? Within just one day, your body will be free of nicotine, and more oxygen will be transported around your body. Within one week, your sense of taste and smell will be back, and within just a couple of years, your chance of developing all serious complications of smoking such as lung cancer and heart disease will decrease significantly.

    Managing symptoms

    You can help yourself stay motivated even when quitting is hard. It can be something as simple as recruiting a friend to be your ‘quit buddy,’ writing a list of all the reasons you’re doing it, or just distracting yourself with plans and social activities until your symptoms pass. You can also join a community like Herb CEO that discusses smoking and why vaping might be an option to fight symptoms.

    You also need to think about how quitting smoking will change your daily routine, and plan in advance how you’ll deal with these changes in a healthy way that doesn’t involve reaching for a fresh pack. Maybe change your shower time to a time when you’d usually have your first smoke, or go for a morning run instead. At lunch, take a walk around your office building rather than standing in one spot smoking. All these small changes will help your brain ‘forget’ it’s a time when you’d usually have a cigarette, and it won’t trigger a craving.

    Whatever you choose, don’t forget – your doctor is there to help if you need it. Don’t be afraid to ask.

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