The Top 10 Reasons to Never Take a Vaccine
Makia Freeman, Contributor
Waking Times
There are many, many good reasons to never take a vaccine. Whether you want to protect yourself against carcinogenic hidden ingredients, disallow toxic adjuvants into your body, defend your immune system against a chemical onslaught or refuse to be part of any sinister schemes of sterilization-depopulation agenda, this information is vitally important. More and more, we are learning the truth about vaccines, what they are really composed of and what they really do to the human body – and the more we learn about them, the more we see just how dangerous and harmful they are. Whatever they may have been or could be, as it stands, they are a weapon of medical destruction that makes billions of dollars for the Rockefeller Medicine Big Pharma cartel. Here is my list of the top 10 reasons for an ordinary person to never take a vaccine, unless they were in a life-threatening situation where somehow the benefit outweighed the risk.
Reason #1 to Never Take a Vaccine: Toxic Ingredients – Formaldehyde, MSG, Antibiotics, GMOs, Polysorbate, Mercury, Squalene and More
It’s still hard to believe in this day and age that vaccines are being touted as “medicine” while being composed of such a veritable concoction of chemicals. There are still several vaccines that contain highly toxic mercury (thimerosal) and squalene. However, even if you avoid those vaccines, you are still likely to get hit with the standard ingredients, which are hardly less toxic: formaldehyde (a preservative and a foul-smelling chemical categorized as a class 1 definite carcinogen by the IARC), MSG (a proven excito-toxin), antibiotics, GMOs and polysorbate. See my article Toxic Vaccine Adjuvants & Ingredients: The Top 10 for a fuller analysis of these and other vaccine ingredients.
Reason #2 to Never Take a Vaccine: Toxic Adjuvants – Aluminum
Aluminum (or aluminium in British English) is added to most vaccines. It is rare to find a vaccine with aluminum or some kind of aluminum product such as aluminum salts (aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate and aluminum potassium sulfate). In this respect, it is defined as an adjuvant since it ramps up and augments the body’s immune response to the vaccine. Unfortunately, aluminum is also ramps up your chances of getting muscle weakness, osteoporosis, anemia, impaired immunity, seizures, dementia and cancer. The CDC, intertwined with Big Pharma and a staunch defender of vaccines, tries to defend the fact that aluminum is present in vaccines by claiming that aluminum is an abundant Earth element is present in the air, water and food. This is technically true but an attempt at fooling you, since it all depends on what form the aluminum is in. Zeolite is a wondrous natural supplement which is basically composed of aluminum and silicon, bound tightly together in an alumino-silicate crystalline structure. The aluminum in zeolite enters and exits your body without remaining there. However, aluminum from other sources such as vaccines does get deposited in your body and leads to neurotoxicity.

Another reason to never take a vaccine: some holistic doctors (presumably murdered) speculated that nagalese, which destroys GcMAF and immunity, was introduced by stealth into the body via vaccines.
Reason #3 to Never Take a Vaccine: Hidden Ingredients – Immunity-Destroying Nagalese
Nagalese sprung into the headlines of Natural Health and Alternative Media websites in 2015 during the spate of dead holistic doctors who were (almost certainly) taken out. The story of nagalese is closely connected to that of GcMAF (Globulin component Macrophage Activating Factor), which is a molecule that numerous holistic doctors were investigating and beginning to use as a treatment for various diseases. GcMAF becomes the GC protein after it combines with vitamin D, and has the potential to be a universal cure for cancer, as well as to reverse autism, HIV, liver/kidney disease and diabetes. Some of the holistic doctors who were killed for their research into GcMAF were having an incredible 85% efficacy rate with it – a number so high it is almost unheard of.
Nagalese is an enzyme which prevents GcMAF from forming the GC protein, thus compromising the entire immune system. As Natural News reported in 2015:
“… Dr. Bradstreet and his colleagues discovered is that the immune system is being compromised by a compound called “nagalase.” Nagalase is an enzyme/protein that’s made by cancer cells and viruses causing immunodeficiency syndromes and has also been linked to autism as well as a “host of other problems,” Dr. Broer explains. “What ends up happening is when the GC protein cannot be converted to McGAF, the entire immune system is compromised.” Some of the doctors who wound up dead or missing believed that the nagalase protein/enzyme was being introduced intentionally into the body either virally or directly through vaccines. “This is such incredibly damning information to the entire medical profession and the immunological profession and those folks that [sic] are producing immunizations, that apparently they didn’t want these guys around,” Dr. Broer said. “I’m not saying what happened to these guys, I’m just saying they’re not on this planet anymore.”
Nagalase is like a stealth bomber, the nagalase enzyme synthesized in or released from cancer cells or a virus particle pinpoints the GcMAF protein facilities on the surface of your T and B lymphocytes and simply wipes them out with an incredibly precise bomb. How precise? Nagalase locates and attacks one specific two-electron bond located only at the 420th amino acid position … like selectively taking out a park bench in a major city from 6,000 miles away. More astonishingly, if that is possible, nagalase never misses its target, so there is no collateral damage. Dr. Bradstreet and his colleagues also learned that the nagalase protein was not present in children at birth but was somehow introduced into autistic children, they felt, during the immunization process.”
So nagalese interferes with GcMAF, somehow gets into the body of autistic children even though it wasn’t there at birth and can cripple the immune system. The jury is still out as to whether vaccines are the source of it.
Reason #4 to Never Take a Vaccine: Injection of Human and Animal Cells
Vaccines use animal DNA to grow and culture the bacterium or virus being vaccinated against. Today’s vaccines have been made from a variety of animal cells, including but not limited to DNA from birds (chicken cells are very common), cows, pigs, dogs, monkeys, worms and other insects. This in and of itself is a red flag, since the injection of foreign DNA into the bloodstream can lead to all sorts of problems and trigger all sorts of allergies. See my earlier article Vaccine Animal Cells: Bird, Pig, Cow, Dog, Monkey, Mouse, Worm & Insect DNA Used in Vaccines for more information.
What we do know for sure – since it’s a historical fact – is that vaccines in the 1950s were contaminated with SV 40 (SV-40 or Simian Virus 40). We were alerted to the SV40 cause of cancer thanks to Dr. Bernice Eddy. In the Congressional papers The Executive Reorganization and Government Research of the Committee on Government Operations United States Senate, Ninety-Second Congress, Second Session [1972] it states on page 500 (according to VacTruth):
“The next and only serious vaccine crisis that has occurred since the polio episode was the realization in mid-1961 that a monkey virus later shown to cause tumors in hamsters was contaminating both polio and adenovirus vaccines. The virus, known as SV40, was entering the vaccines and, just as in the polio case were surviving the formalin treatment.
There were several states by which the full extent of the SV40 problem became known. First was the discovery in 1959-1960 by a DBS scientist, once again Bernice Eddy, that an unknown agent in the monkey kidney cells used to produce polio and adenovirus vaccines would cause tumors when the cells were injected into hamsters.”
Reason #5 to Never Take a Vaccine: Blood Sludge, Hypoxia, Ischemia and Localized “Strokes” in Your Body
Dr. Andrew Moulden was a knowledgeable doctor who died mysteriously in 2013 aged 49. He had done extensive research on the subject of vaccine damage and vaccine injuries. He wrote on the topic as well as producing a DVD series entitled Tolerance Lost, where he explains in great detail (with numerous examples) exactly how vaccines are destroying our health.
Specifically, he reveals how vaccines enter the bloodstream and cause blood sludge. This is due to aluminum, which is present is basically all vaccines. When used in water treatment plants, aluminum causes particles to flocculate (come together) and sludge to the bottom of tanks or containers. Your blood is around 92% water. The vaccines have the same effect on your blood.
Dr. Moulden also highlights the mechanism by which vaccines cause you to have a localized “stroke” in any part of your body, meaning an area where blood and oxygen cannot go. Essentially, vaccines cause an artificial hyperstimulation of your body’s non-specific immune system. The injection of foreign substances causes many white blood cells to roll along blood vessel walls. Since there are too many of these white blood cells, it impairs blood flow. This leads to either hypoxia (inadequate oxygen supply) and/or ischemia (reduction of blood supply to tissues, causing a limitation of oxygen and glucose). On a cellular level, when you take a vaccine, you also suffer from a perivascular “attack” by white blood cells along the outside walls of micro vessels, which causes capillaries to become blocked and plugged. The damaged microvessels close in order to prevent bleeding into tissue (hemorrhagic transformation). This renders some tissue areas without blood supply or oxygen.

A slide from Dr. Andrew Moulden’s presentations. Moulden detected key sings of individual vaccine damage, such as dropping eyes and mouths, due to ischemia (restricted blood flow).
Tragically, many children (and adults) have telltale signs of vaccine damage with droopy eyes and mouths. Dr. Moulden writes:
“The measurement system I have created is based on the 12 cranial nerves and the clinical skills doctors are supposed to use to assess brain function and integrity. I have called the measurement system the 12 “Eye” M.A.S.S. Anoxia Measures (12-IMAM).
M.A.S.S. is an acronym for many chronic illnesses and diseases that impair blood flow “Moulden Anoxia Spectrum Syndromes.” One-size-fits-all global vaccination schemes have created M.A.S.S. disorders on MASS scales. MASS disorders, from infectious diseases to vaccinations, have a common sequence of injuries which includes impaired blood flow, oxygenation, blood carrying capacity, and non-specific immune hyper-stimulation.
In essence, we are creating disease and chronic illness by an over-zealous activation of a natural set of healing mechanisms in human physiology – a component phase of the MASS physiological response.
Serial (repeat) vaccinations aggravate the core problems. Once the blood vessels are damaged, to a critical point, the pathological process can take on a self-perpetuating life of its own, from infants to teenagers to adults, to companion pets alike.
Four features of the 12-IMAM measurement system that you can now see, include the eye turning in, the eye turning out, the smile becoming asymmetrical [one side of mouth will droop, while opposite side will not], and the eye blinks coming out of sync. These are strokes, from ischemia, throughout the brain and body, for all. Repeat vaccination is the primary culprit …”
Reason #6 to Never Take a Vaccine: The Herd Immunity Myth Busted
If you think that you are doing yourself and your community a favor by getting vaccinated, think again. The idea of herd immunity is a pseudo-scientific myth. Herd immunity is based on numerous assumptions which don’t hold their weight under a closer scrutiny.
The first assumption of vaccine efficacy. If vaccines are truly effective at protecting you against a disease, why worry that if those around you get that disease? If you’re protected, you’re protected, right? The second assumption of supposed lifelong immunity. If herd immunity is really so important to protect a community, that would presuppose that the vaccinated could fight off the disease – whenever it struck. But what happens after 5 years go by after you get your shot? 10 years? 20? 30? The very existence of booster shots shows that vaccine-induced immunity wears off after time. The third assumption is that the vaccinated cannot transmit the disease. However, as reported by Mercolain 2013, a FDA study concluded that those vaccinated against pertussis or whopping cough could still carry and transmit the disease, even if they got no symptoms. They’re called an asymptomatic carrier.
Lastly, it’s important to make the distinction between of acquired immunity(i.e. vaccine-induced immunity) vs. natural immunity. There is a world of difference between artificial vaccine-induced immunity and naturally-acquired immunity which is attained through contracting and successfully fighting off a disease. The human immune system is vastly more complex and sophisticated than we understand, and is made up of specific and non-specific parts. A vaccine does not closely resemble natural immunity in many ways, including only engendering a specific response, having a completely different point of entry, not conferring lifelong immunity, etc. Immunity is far more mysterious than just a measure of antibody titers.
Reason #7 to Never Take a Vaccine: Viral Shedding
As mentioned above, viral shedding is a big but untalked-about problem with vaccines. It explains why groups of vaccinated people contract the disease they are supposedly vaccinated against, while the unvaccinated remain unaffected. Viral vaccines are vaccines containing live viruses, even if they are weak or attenuated strains. These live viruses shed for varying amounts of time in the body fluids of a vaccinated individual – and can be transmitted to others. You can absolutely catch the virus (or bacterium) from someone who has just been vaccinated against that disease. Not only that, but viral shedding from vaccines is leading to viral and bacterial mutations, helping to create a phenomenon of new and dangerous strains of disease which can evade treatment by becoming accustomed to whatever drugs get thrown at them.
“The live polio vaccine, the Sabin vaccine, which followed the inactivated Salk vaccine, was given orally [and] contains live attenuated polioviruses. Those polioviruses, when you take that [live] vaccine, you shed them in your body fluids – your saliva, urine, and stool. Vaccine-strain viruses like disease viruses or infections can be found also sometimes in tears and vomit. This is true for the Ebola virus as well. Whether you have the viral infection or you get the live attenuated vaccine, you shed live virus in your body fluids and you are able to transmit the virus to other people who come in contact with your body fluids [my emphasis]. I think this is a very important thing for people to understand.”
Reason #8 to Never Take a Vaccine: Possible Side Effects of Paralysis and Death
People have suffered horrendous side effects from vaccines, including but not limited to allergic reactions, nerve disorders, autism, partial or full paralysis (e.g. Desiree Jennings who got Guillain-Barré Syndrome from the flu shot) and even death. This is provable fact. Have you thought your decision through? Have you fully weighed the risks and the benefits?
Reason #9 to Never Take a Vaccine: Insufficient Legal Recourse
Big Pharma has long overtaken the FDA and CDC. It has twisted the arm of the US Government. It has managed to get Congress to grant it sweeping legal immunity from ever being brought before a real court to face its victims. Instead, we have a special court set up outside of the bounds of constitutional courts to hear cases. If Big Pharma’s vaccines are so safe and effective (cue the mantra), why does Big Pharma require such legal protection? Why would you put yourself in such a position when you willingly accept to get injected? If you could choose it, would you willingly put yourself at a massive legal disadvantage in any other sphere of your life?
Reason #10 to Never Take a Vaccine: The Vaccine-Sterilization-Depopulation Connection
Lastly, consider this: vaccines have been used as delivery systems for sterilizing agents. Not all vaccines are used for this purpose, however the fact that some have – usually against women from poorer countries such as the Phillippines and Kenya – cements the connection between vaccines, depopulation and eugenics.
Remember that Bill Gates himself, point man for the NWO agenda, has slipped up and admitted there is a vaccine-depopulation link on at least 2 occasions:
“… if we do a really great job on new vaccines … we could lower that (i.e. population growth) perhaps by 10-15% …”
“… the benefits (of vaccines) are there in terms of reducing sickness, reducing population growth …”
In 2015, a Catholic priest whistleblower in Kenya exposed that vaccines were as tools to conduct sterilization programs. This priest discovered that a tetanus vaccination program (sponsored by the WHO and UNICEF) contained vaccines laced with HCG or Human Chorionic Gonadotropin. This is a hormone that the human embryo produces after conception to enable it to be implanted in the womb. However, when the body takes in HCG via a tetanus vaccine, it treats the HCG as an antigen (a foreign substance) and makes antibodies to the HCG. Those antibodies cause the woman’s body to reject future embryos, effectively sterilizing her.
Final Thoughts
A quote widely attributed to James Shannon, former director of the NIH, is that “the only safe vaccine is one never taken.” Mahatma Gandhi said that “vaccination is a barbarous practice and one of the most fatal of all the delusions current in our time.” Although Big Pharma and its medial mouthpieces love to repeat the mantra that vaccines are “safe and effective”, the evidence shows there are neither, but rather, experimental tools whose effects can be devastating: procurement of the disease itself (that is supposedly being vaccinated against), sterilization, ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder), paralysis, cancer and death.
You may want to think twice – or better yet, at least 10 times – before taking that shot.
About the Author
Makia Freeman is the editor of The Freedom Articles and senior researcher at (FaceBook here), writing on many aspects of truth and freedom, from exposing aspects of the worldwide conspiracy to suggesting solutions for how humanity can create a new system of peace and abundance
**Sources embedded throughout article.
This article (The Top 10 Reasons to Never Take a Vaccine) was originally created and published by The Freedom Articles and is re-posted here with permission.