TAG: vaccines

When It Comes To Vaccine Promotion and Safety, Always Follow The Money To Discover The Source

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times The “National Launch” of Invisible Threat – a film promoting the world’s most aggressive vaccine program – will be screened in the nation’s capital today. The screening will be hosted by Every Child By Two (ECBT), which has received millions of dollars from five of the largest pharmaceutical companies. Even high

Should Parents Be Allowed to Decide About Vaccines?

Dr. Mercola Waking Times USA Today1 recently ran an editorial under the headline, “Vaccine opt-outs put public health at risk” and called for elimination of personal belief exemptions in state public health laws, including those that require children to get dozens of doses of up to 15 vaccines in order to attend daycare and school. “When

Measles: A Rash of Misinformation

Dr. Tyson Perez, D.C., GreenMedInfo Waking Times With the recent release of a provocative children’s book entitled Melanie’s Marvelous Measles, a debate has ensued regarding the effectiveness and wisdom surrounding measles vaccinations.  When I first heard about the book, I went to Amazon to order a copy for myself.  The amount of negative reviews was staggering.  People

Do You Believe In Medical Conspiracy Theories?

Daisy Luther, Contributor Waking Times Do you believe in “medical conspiracy theories”? If so, you are in good company. According to a survey undertaken by professors at the University of Chicago, more than half of all Americans believe in one or more so-called “medical conspiracy theories”. Of course, most of us know that the derogatory term “conspiracy theory”

The 5 Phases of Awakening To The Dangers of Vaccination

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times Unless you don’t have an opinion at all on vaccines, you likely fall into one of the five phases of awareness and awakening. Most of the population at some point has been exposed to one of these modes of thought regarding vaccination programs. Some people will remain at one

How to Reclaim Your Mind

Jefferey Jaxen, Staff Writer Waking Times This is an important piece for those that wish to begin walking their true path in life. Many, including myself, fall victim to advertising, propaganda, and poor food choices that all cloud our true thoughts and beliefs. There are many systems in place to gently steer the way we

42% of Drug Reactions Are Vaccine Related, Groundbreaking Chinese Study Finds

Sayer Ji, Founder, GreenMedInfo Waking Times A groundbreaking new drug safety study published in the open access journal PLoS and titled, “Adverse Drug Reactions of Spontaneous Reports in Shanghai Pediatric Population,” has revealed for the first that that 42.5% of all reported adverse drug reactions occurring in 2009 in a Chinese pediatric population (Shanghai, pop of 17

Common Core – The Business Side of the New Modern Global Education System

Jamie Lee, Contributor Waking Times Editor’s Note: This is part II of James Lee’s series on the state of modern education. Part I can be found here. “We are not speaking of education in the narrower sense, but of that other education in virtue from youth upwards, which makes a man eagerly pursue the ideal

Why Vaccines Aren’t Paleo

Dr. Kelly Brogan, M.D. and Sayer Ji, Green Med Info Waking Times Didn’t the modern miracle of vaccines eradicate the plague and pestilence our Paleolithic ancestors succumbed to? Think again… Paleo-oriented researchers, foodies, and clinicians seek to honor a wisdom in evolution that has been forsaken in the modern food era. The human genome is best expressed

Doctor Appointments For Annual Exams and Vaccination Associated With Increased Flu-Like Illnesses

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times New research in Infection Control and Hospital Epidemiology shows that child doctor appointments for annual exams and vaccinations are associated with an increased risk of flu-like illnesses in children and family members within two weeks of the visit. This risk translates to more than 700,000 potentially avoidable illnesses each year, costing

Families Battle Big Pharma To Acknowledge Side Effects of Vaccines Which Disabled Their Children

Dave Mihalovic, Prevent Disease Waking Times The parents of the five families contend that vaccines caused their children’s disabilities have joined forces to take GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer and Sanofi to court in hopes that the courts will acknowledge the side effects of vaccines and award compensation to their disabled children. Their lawyer, Mr. Hartemann, presented their

The Influenza Deception

Brandon Turbeville, Guest Waking Times With the latest round of hysteria regarding the prevalence of the annual flu season and the “need” for the flu vaccine in full swing, one unaccustomed to reading the details of government statistics and the arguments for or against vaccination might justifiably be terrorized into running to their local vaccine

A Mother’s Decision: The First Shot, Hepatitis B

Dr. Kelly Brogan, M.D., GreenMedInfo Waking Times The day has come and your little bundle is here. The wonder of it is overwhelming: this human grew out of two cells, inside you, and despite those last couple of days feeling like a year each, all of this happened in 9 months, without your doing much

CDC Not Legally Required to Tell the Truth About Anything, Including Vaccines

Christina Sarich, Natural Society Waking Times Since the American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) aren’t legally required to tell the truth about anything, why should they? Maybe this is just one of many reasons the public is unaware of the many problems revolving around America’s health system.

There is No Such Thing as a Safe Vaccine and There Never Will Be

Paul Fassa, Natural Society Waking Times Making vaccines safe by removing their toxins (greening), or telling people they have a right to look at vaccine ingredients before deciding whether to vaccinate or not may be the politically correct form of vaccination resistance. It does help avoid some of the wrath from vaccination high priests. However, the very nature

vaccines and GMOs

6 Astounding Parallels Between Vaccines and GMOs

Anna Hunt, Staff Writer Waking Times Have you ever considered the similarities between vaccinations and genetically modified foods (also referred to as GMOs)? Both of these ‘innovations’ illustrate clearly our human desire to fix what doesn’t necessarily need fixing, manipulate what doesn’t suit us, and take control over what is mysterious and seems uncontrollable. They also

Rise in Autism Rates Go Hand-in-Hand with Increased Vaccinations

Paul Fassa, Natural Society Waking Times Another effort to discount vaccinations as a source of autism has gone into research to prove defective genes as the major culprit. Some epidemiological studies based on twins with autism spectrum disorders was done as early as the mid-1970s. Since then, autism has increased 40-fold. All this from a sudden case

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