TAG: truth

Why Truth is Always New

Christina Sarich – It takes an open mind – a mind willing to see things in a brand new way – in order for these discoveries to take place.

The Unravelling

Zen Gardner – The imposed system is coming apart at the seams, front and center.

Is the Truth Toxic?

Zen Gardner – The truth is only toxic to some. Namely those it exposes.

How Much Evidence Do We Need to Take Action?

Zen Gardner – The news pouring in daily about how we’re being scammed, poisoned and domineered by big food, big pharma, big oil, big corporations and big brother is almost overwhelming.

The Hamster Wheels of the Matrix

Zen Gardner – Do we want to be winners for love and truth, or destined-to-lose self-reinforcing pulpit pounding tools of unending futility?

A Time of Revelation

Zen Gardner – I’ve said for a long time the split between the willing awakeners and the willful asleep would widen and we’d see more and more psychotic behavior on the part of the truth resistant.

Seeds and Weeds – The Power of Activism

Zen Gardner – We know the same central Truth, the heart of man being the same the world over, we know it only awaits awakening to come to full fruition.

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