TAG: soda

Is Your Favorite Soda Carcinogenic?

Waking Times – A new study out of Johns Hopkins has revealed that one of the most popular soda ingredients poses a cancer risk to soda drinkers.

The Aspartame End Game… And What’s Next

Dr. Mercola Waking Times For the last 17 years, I’ve warned that artificial sweeteners can wreck your health. Aspartame is among the worst of the bunch, and in general, people who consume aspartame tend to be in poorer health. They also tend to develop more of a sweet tooth. I found the evidence against artificial sweeteners to

Big Sugar Tips Balance of Scale

Dr. Mercola Waking Times There is no shortage of research linking excessive sugar consumption with obesity, and the intake of sugar-sweetened beverages appears to have a particularly strong link. It was five years ago when UCLA researchers found that adults who drank at least one sugar-sweetened beverage a day are 27 percent more likely to

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