TAG: self mastery

No Rulers, No Masters, No Gods

Gary ‘Z’ McGee – As it stands, fear-based programming and mass-orientated narratives dominate the status quo. The solution is for individuals to be willing to diverge from the herd and become self-masters

The Importance of Attitude: How Changing Your Attitude Will Change Your Life

Brandon West, Contributor Waking Times In order to consciously evolve and master ourselves, our attitude in each moment is what we should focus on as our gauge of personal mastery. We are beings of perception, and the quality of our perception is determined by our attitude. This is the importance of attitude. An individual who

Gratitude – Happiness Made Easy

Dylan Charles, Editor Waking Times What makes you happy? Happiness is rather elusive for many people, if not for most people in our society. This is a remarkable statement about the world we’ve created, which offers unprecedented access to food, shelter, health, entertainment, convenience, mobility, wealth, safety, security, and so on. With all this going for

You Are Your Greatest Battle

Ida Lawrence, Contributor Waking Times Rumor has it that women are amazingly strong. Do we always have to be strong? When looking at alternative ways to be, it seems like strong is the only choice. But I wonder about that. Eventually we realize that strong in conscious awareness seems a lot more natural than the

Self Mastery – Finale

Rod Morin, Contributing Writer Waking Times In the first part to this essay, my point has been to plant the seed of the idea that the worldly reality we play in is not as solid (physically or conceptually) as we believe it to be and that, in fact, it is only due to our senses that we

Self Mastery

Rod Morin, Contributing Writer Waking Times Editors Note: Rod Morin’s insightful essay on the process of self mastery is being published in two parts. Visit WakingTimes.com tomorrow for part two. Superficial Mind The superficial mind is a program working within the hardware of the brain. This program is an operating system that has an architecture that

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