TAG: ritual

Every Act a Ceremony

Charles Eisenstein – What can modern people can draw from the ceremonial approach to life?

7 Morning Rituals To Empower Your Day

Gilbert Ross – Ancient traditions had understood very clearly the power that morning rituals have in creating and affirming a desired reality or outcome.

Colony Earth and The Rig Veda – Ritual, Spiritual Wisdom and Evolution

V. Susan Ferguson, Contributor Waking Times Note: This is the second part of a II part series by V. Susan Ferguson. Please review part I, here.  I have taken the off-world position of reading the Sanskrit texts through the eyes of an ancient astronaut, and interpret them through the filter of the more current science

A New Look at the Five Rites of Rejuvenation

James Borges, Borderlands Waking Times The Five Rites are a form of simple stretches that among many things stimulate the gland of the body to increase in vitality and stamina. The Rites are not rigorous exercises. The Five Rites are simple postures that activate the body’s nervous system on the etheric level to restore optimal

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