TAG: reflection

Happiness or Peace?

Julie Umpleby, Contributor Waking Times “Happiness is a by-product. You cannot pursue it by itself.”  Samuel Levenson “Seek not happiness too greedily, and be not fearful of unhappiness.”  Lao-Tzu If you ask people want they want most in life, you will find the answer in the majority of cases to be that they ‘just want

Meditation and “Drugs”

Jay Michaelson, Reality Sandwich Waking Times It’s a not-so-dirty little secret that most of today’s leading meditation teachers were interested in drugs. By “drugs,” of course, I don’t mean alcohol or Oxycontin, but rather that subset of chemicals which our society has deemed unfit for human consumption, including cannabis, psilocybin, MDMA, and others. Many of today’s

And We Call Ourselves Civilized

Isabelle Gravenstein, Guest Waking Times Human beings have got the most amazing capacity to fool themselves, whilst appearing to exercise great intelligence and achievements. It is none more obvious then when we call ourselves civilised. Firstly, what benchmark do we use to know that we are civilised and that that bunch of people over there is not?

The Purpose of Thinking

Steven Handel, Guest Waking Times The purpose of thinking is to understand our world as best as possible. Our minds have evolved to think so that we can better adapt to our environment and make smarter decisions on how to survive and live. At a biological level, our thoughts are millions of neurons firing off

Hopi Elders Statement – We Are the Ones

The Elders, Oraibi, Arizona Hopi Waking Times  You have been telling people that this is the eleventh hour. Now you must go back and tell people that this is the hour! And there are things to be considered: Where are you living? What are you doing? What are your relationships? Are you in right relation?

Don’t Be Afraid To Reflect or Daydream — It’s Critical For Health and Well-Being

Marco Torres, Prevent Disease Waking Times Many have speculated that our consciousness is activated during daydreaming. Past research has shown that the brain seems to contain a “default mode” in which certain regions become more active at rest. While moments for reflection may be hard to come by, a new study suggests that the long-lost

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